Maria Teresa Manfredi

Role in CASCO: project manager, coordination of activities, responsible for information activities, parasitological analyses.

Degree in Veterinary Medicine, PhD in Comparative Pathology of domestic animals.
Full professor in Parasitology and Parasitic Diseases of Animals at DIMEVET.
Director of the Specialization School in Animal Health, Breeding and Livestock Production.
The main area of research concerns the epidemiology of parasitic diseases (helminths and protozoa) in domestic and wild species. She conducted research on gastrointestinal nematodes’ infestations of dairy goat and protozoan infections of ruminants with particular reference to zoonotic ones.

Responsible of the Service of Parasitology, Laboratory Diagnostics, University Veterinary Hospital of the University of Milan (

Expertise & skills:

indirizzo ufficio: via dell’Università 6, 26900 Lodi
