
Following several requests, the deadline for submission to the Journal of Logic and Computation Special Issue on Reasoning about Social Networks has been
extended one last time to *February 15th, 2021*. Papers submitted earlier will be handled as they come.


CFP: Special Issue on Reasoning about Social Networks, Journal of Logic and Computation

Following a successful workshop at ECAI2020 ( we invite submissions for a Special Issue on Reasoning about Social Networks in the Journal of Logic and Computation.


The special issue focuses on the issues of information spread in a social networks of natural and artificial agents, as studied by the emerging interdisciplinary field of multi-agent systems, logic and social network analysis. The topics of the workshop include but are not limited to:

•Logic based models of social networks phenomena
•Epistemic models on graphs
•Strategic behaviour in opinion diffusion
•Computational issues in opinion diffusion
•Computational Trust
•Collective information distortions and how to prevent them
•Model checking and verification of social network phenomena

All papers will be peer reviewed according to the standards of the Journal. Authors of submissions might also be asked to review a paper.

Submission details: Submissions are to be sent to all the guest editors, written in English and formatted in LaTeX, article documentclass, up to 20 pages, bibliographical references excluded. Please communicate with the editors your interest to submit.

Important dates

1st October 2020: Call for Papers
15th February 2021 (EXTENDED): Submission Deadline
15th May 2021: Reviews
1st July 2021: Revised versions
1st September 2021: Second Revision
1st October 2021 : Intended Publication (Online First)

Giuseppe Primiero <>
Marija Slavkovik <>
Sonja Smets <>