Research Meetings in 2023

2023 is shaping up to be a nice year to present current research and meet again with many colleagues working at the intersection of Logic, AI and Philosophy of Computing. Here a list of current commitments to research events:

This list is yet incomplete, stay tuned.

BRIO 2022 Summary.

BRIO is the MUR funded project on BIAS, RISK and Opacity in AI which I am leading as Principal Investigator. It officially started only in June 2022, but we already have done quite some work:

We are currently hiring a new post-doc. For all other updates visit this page.

A better digital garden for 2023.

This is the first of a new series of notes posted to my professional website straightforward from my digital garden based on #obsidian. I will try maintaining a more constant presence on the News section of my website through this new method. Good digital gardening to everyone in 2023.