Project SEED-2019

Reassessing Scientific Collaboration
A Final Workshop

28 October 2021
Museo Nazionale Scienza e Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci

Sala Cenacolo

Collaborative approach to research has become crucial in order to attain substantial results in practically all domains of natural sciences. Correspondingly, the notion of scientific collaboration has raised much interest among scholars of different disciplines and background, coming from domains as diverse as social epistemology and sociology of science, computer science, science policy, cognitive science and philosophy of action, history and philosophy of science. Indeed, there seems to be many cross-disciplinary questions that can only be answered with contributions from different areas — E.g., who is entitled to be a collaborator in a certain common effort and who is not? Are there many kinds of collaboration, and how could we distinguish among them? Why is collaboration more popular in certain fields than in others? Does only material/technical/economic advantages matter to collaboration, or are there cognitive benefits? And, of course, many other interesting issues can be raised.

This interdisciplinary workshop brings together scientists from different areas, philosophers and historians of science, and social scientists. It aims to discuss the real collaborative practices in which scientists have been or are currently involved. It encourages scientists to reflect upon their actual practices and dealing with questions and ideas coming from different disciplines or specialties, while offering to historians, philosophers, and social scientists novel and fresh insights as well as an inside view for further research.

Participants and speakers: Letizia Bonizzoni ● Leonardo Gariboldi ● Marco Giammarchi ● Andrea Guardo ● Luca Guzzardi ● Martin Kater ● Massimo Lazzaroni ● Tommaso Maccacaro ● Eugenio Petrovich ● Lucio Rossi ● Brad Wray

Workshop Program

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Download the Booklet of the Abstracts

“Reassessing Scientific Collaboration” is a project funded by Program Seed 2019 of the University of Milan
Luca Guzzardi (P.I.) – Leonardo Gariboldi (co-P.I.) – Andrea Guardo – Massimo Lazzaroni

Please, note that due to health restrictions, attendance is limited to 25 participants. Inquiries about participation should be addresses to

SHE 2019-2020

Roberto Lalli (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science – Berlin) will give two talks and one (co-organized) workshop in February 2020 at the University of Milan:

TALK 1: 2020 February 7, 14.30: “Towards a computational history of science: The dynamics of socio-epistemic networks”
CANCELLED TALK 2: 2020 February 26, 14.30: “The dynamics of collaboration networks and the history of general relativity, 1925-1970” CANCELLED
WORKSHOP: 2020 February 12, 13, 17, and 19: “The philosophy of scientific collaborations: from co-authorship networks to shared practices”
Venue: Dipartimento di Filosofia, Università degli Studi di Milano (Via Festa del Perdono 7, 20122 Milano)


Participation is open to everyone. However, participants to the workshop are expected to actively contribute to discussions, so they are kindly requested to register for the event.
If you would like to attend, please email (subject “collaboration workshop”).


SHE_prova1The traditional purpose of epistemology as a branch of philosophy is the investigation and clarification of the fundamental structures of knowledge, e.g. how we gain (new) knowledge and how it changes, if it is justified or not, if different kinds of knowledge exist and in what they consist. With special reference to scientific knowledge, historical epistemology tries to understand such structures by situating their “crystallization” as scientific theories and practices in the contexts (historical, social, political, economic, artistic, material, etc.) in which they emerge, develop, transform or disappear.

This seminar aims at comparing and contrasting different approaches to historical epistemology and problems related to it. A variety of topics will be addressed, amongst others: the conditions for the emergence of a concept; the birth of theoretical ideas from practical knowledge; the formation and influence of standards and values in the scientific practice; the renewal of themes, methods and trends in the history of science; the role of instruments and objects in science making, etc.

Past series: