T. Flaminio, L. Godo and H. Hosni. (2020). “Boolean algebras of conditionals, probability and logic” Artificial Intelligence. doi.org/10.1016/j.artint.2020.103347 (Open Access)
This paper presents an investigation on the structure of conditional events and on the probability measures which arise naturally in this context. In particular we introduce a construction which defines a (finite) Boolean algebra of conditionals from any (finite) Boolean algebra of events. By doing so we distinguish the properties of conditional events which depend on probability and those which are intrinsic to the logico-algebraic structure of conditionals. Our main result provides a way to regard standard two-place conditional probabilities as one-place probability functions on conditional events. We also consider a logical counterpart of our Boolean algebras of conditionals with links to preferential consequence relations for non-monotonic reasoning. The overall framework of this paper provides a novel perspective on the rich interplay between logic and probability in the representation of conditional knowledge.
KEYWORDS: Conditional probability; conditional events; Boolean algebras; preferential consequence relations
Depth-bounded Belief Functions
This paper introduces and investigates Depth-bounded Belief functions, a logic-based representation of quantified uncertainty. Depth-bounded Belief functions are based on the framework of Depth-bounded Boolean logics, which provide a hierarchy of approximations to classical logic. Similarly, Depth-bounded Belief functions give rise to a hierarchy of increasingly tighter lower and upper bounds over classical measures of uncertainty. This has the rather welcome consequence that “higher logical abilities” lead to sharper uncertainty quantification. In particular, our main results identify the conditions under which Dempster-Shafer Belief functions and probability functions can be represented as a limit of a suitable sequence of Depth-bounded Belief functions.
KEYWORDS: Belief functions; Uncertain reasoning; Depth-bounded logics; Probability.
P. Baldi and H. Hosni. (2020). “Depth-bouned Belief Functions” Internatonal Journal of Approximate Reasoning, Volume 123, August 2020, Pages 26-40. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2020.05.001 (Open Access)
Possibilistic randomisation in strategic-form games
Since the seminal work of John Nash, convex combinations of actions are known to guarantee the existence of equilibria in strategic-form games. This paper introduces an alternative notion of randomisation among actions – possibilistic randomisation – and investigates the mathematical consequences of doing so. The framework of possibility theory gives rise to two distinct notions of equilibria both of which are characterised in our main results: a qualitative one based on the Sugeno integral and a quantitative one based on the Choquet integral. Then the two notions of equilibrium are compared against a coordination game with payoff-distinguishable equilibria known as the Weak-link game.
KEYWORDS: Possibilistic randomisation; Mixed strategies; Possibilistic expected utility; Nash equilibria; Weak-link game; Selection of multiple equilibria
Hosni, H and E. Marchioni. (2019). “Possibilistic randomisation in strategic-form games” Internatonal Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 114, 204-225. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijar.2019.08.008
We’re hiring, again!
Strict coherence on many-valued events
We investigate the property of strict coherence in the setting of many-valued logics. Our main results read as follows: (i) a map from an MV-algebr
a to [0,1] is strictly coherent if and only if it satisfies Carnap’s regularity condition, and (ii) a [0,1]-valued book on a finite set of many-valued events is strictly coherent if and only if it extends to a faithful state of an MV-algebra that contains them. Remarkably this latter result allows us to relax the rather demanding conditions for the Shimony-Kemeny characterisation of strict coherence put forward in the mid 1950s in this Journal.
KEYWORDS: s. Probability logic, strict coherence, MV-algebras, faithful states, many-valued logics.
Flaminio, T., H. Hosni, and F. Montagna. (2018). “Strict Coherence on Many Valued Events” Journal of Symbolic Logic . 83(1), 55-69. DOI:10.1017/jsl.2017.34
Big Data in Head and Neck Cancer
Head and neck cancers can be used as a paradigm for exploring “big data” applications in oncology. Computational strategies derived from big data science hold the promise of shedding new light on the molecular mechanisms driving head and neck cancer pathogenesis, identifying new prognostic and predictive factors, and discovering potential therapeutics against this highly complex disease. Big data strategies integrate robust data input, from radiomics, genomics, and clinical-epidemiological data to deeply describe head and neck cancer characteristics. Thus, big data may advance research generating new knowledge and improve head and neck cancer prognosis supporting clinical decision-making and development of treatment recommendations.
KEYWORDS: Big data; Decision support system; Evidence based medicine; Forecasting; Genomics; Guidelines; Head and neck cancer; Machine learning; Oncology; Radiomics; Radiotherapy; Support vector machine; Surgery
Resteghini C, Trama A, Borgonovi E, Hosni H, Corrao G, Orlandi E, Calareso G, De Cecco L, Piazza C, Mainardi L, Licitra L. “Big Data in Head and Neck Cancer”. Current Treatment Options in Oncology 2018 Oct 25;19(12):62. doi: 10.1007/s11864-018-0585-2.
We’re hiring!
Project: Logical Foundations and Applications of Depth-Bounded ProbabilityDuration: 2 years
Data science and the art of modelling
Datacentric enthusiasm is growing strong across a variety of domains.
Whilst data science asks unquestionably exciting scientific questions, we argue that its
contributions should not be extrapolated from the scientific context in which they originate. In particular we suggest that the simple-minded idea to the effect that data can be seen as a replacement for scientific modelling is not tenable.
By recalling some well-known examples from dynamical systems we conclude that data science performs at its best when coupled with the subtle art of modelling.KEYWORDS: Big data, Scientific modelling
H. Hosni and A. Vulpiani, “Data science and the art of modelling”, Lettera Matematica International (May 2018) https://doi.org/10.1007/s40329-018-0225-5
Come smettere di preoccuparsi e imparare ad amare l’incertezza
Dall’Avvertenza di Probabilità: come smettere di preoccuparsi e imparare ad amare l’incertezza, Carocci, Città della Scienza, febbraio 2018.
Se andate di fretta, ecco il messaggio centrale:
Probabilità è cultura.
L’affermazione vi sorprende? Allora trovate un po’ di tempo per leggere ché questo libro è stato scritto per voi. E per tutte quelle persone che alla probabilità non pensano
spesso, o magari la associano a sondaggi elettorali
smentiti sistematicamente, o ancora al risultato di imperscrutabili algoritmi per la valutazione, spesso inaffidabile, del rischio finanziario — altro che cultura!Il suo scopo è invogliarvi a guardare da vicino alcuni aspetti centrali del ragionamento probabilistico e della cultura dell’incertezza che questo ci aiuta a costruire. Si tratta di una cultura di cui abbiamo un bisogno urgente. Perché l’incertezza è una componente ineliminabile della nostra vita, della società, della natura.
Aiutandoci a capirne alcuni aspetti fondamentali, la probabilità ci fornisce una grammatica per pensare ciò che non è, ma potrebbe essere, o per capire che le cose che conosciamo avrebbero potuto essere altrimenti – domande filosofiche profonde che trovano una formulazione particolarmente chiara nella matematica della probabilità. Si tratta di ragionamenti fondamentali alla comprensione scientifica del mondo, ma non solo. Sono necessari per prendere decisioni informate sulla nostra salute, sul nostro benessere e quello delle persone a noi care. Sono necessari alla partecipazione consapevole e attiva di ognuno di noi alla società, e in particolare all’assolvimento del nostro compito di vigilanza democratica dell’operato istituzionale.
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Rischio e incertezza nei modelli di interazione sociale
Biennale Democrazia ha reso disponibile la registrazione del mio dialogo con Andrea Prat, moderato da Gabriele Lolli il 2 aprile 2017.