Research lines proposed for AA 2023-23
Research lines activated under DM 117
Wheat breeding assisted by biomolecular tools
Professors: Alberto Spada, Brambilla Vittoria Francesca
Fungicide resistance in grapevine downy mildew management: from resistance mechanisms to fitness of zoxamide-resistant strains
Professors: Laura Toffolatti, Piero Attilio Bianco
Management for energy savings during winemaking process, and especially during the steps of alcoholic and malolactic fermentations
Professors: Ileana Vigentini, Roberto Beghi
Research lines activated under DM 118
Caratterizzazione genetica del germoplasma di Vitis vinifera e Vitis spp. per l'identificazione di tratti di resistenza a stress biotici ed abiotici
Professor: Lucio Brancadoro
Strategie alimentari “circolari” per migliorare la sostenibilità ambientale degli allevamenti di bovine da latte e diminuire la competizione food-feed
Professor: Stefania Colombini
ARCHEOLOGIA, MARE E CULTURA. Progettazione, organizzazione e gestione della ricerca interdisciplinare di terra e subacquea
Professor: Gloria Olcese
Telerilevamento di indicatori agro-ambientali per la gestione sostenibile degli agroecostemi e la protezione della salute umana
Professors: Francesco Pietro Fava e Stefano Bocchi
Other research lines
Innovative methods for assessing and improving environmental sustainability and animal welfare in dairy farming
Professor: Luciana Bava
Nutrient and carbon recovery from biomasses: environmental impact measurement by life Cycle Assessment
Professor: Fabrizio Adani
Exploiting plant extracts and plant-derived biologically active specialised metabolites as a source of new potential botanical herbicides
Professor: Fabrizio Araniti
Feeding strategies to enhance dairy efficiency and environmental sustainability by modifying rumen microbiome
Development of new models of genomic selection and biodiversity conservation in Italian small ruminant populations
Professor: Paola Crepaldi
Identification of genes related to grapevine response to biotic stresses
Professors: Gabriella De Lorenzis, Silvia Laura Toffolatti
Innovation of irrigation practices through the use of measurements, models and automatic water distribution and delivery systems
Professor: Daniele Masseroni
Development of innovative welfare indicators in farmed ruminants
Professors: Silvana Mattiello, Monica Battini
Archaeo Agronomy and Archaeometry. Archaeological and archaeometric research for the study of rural landscape, production and trade in Antiquity
Professor: Gloria Olcese
Crop residue management effects on N2O emissions and soil organic carbon
Professors: Alessia Perego, Luca Bechini, Prof Giorgio Ragaglini
Study of the protein–protein interactions as component of plant responses to nitrogen availability
Professors: Bhakti Prinsi, Luca Espen
Genomics and epidemiology of phytoplasmas associated with plant diseases
Professors: Fabio Quaglino, Piero Attilio Bianco