Research topics AA 2023-24 - AAB PhD Course

Agriculture, Environment and Bioenergy PhD Course (AAB)
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Research lines proposed for AA 2023-23

Research lines activated under DM 117

Wheat breeding assisted by biomolecular tools
Professors: Alberto Spada, Brambilla Vittoria Francesca

Fungicide resistance in grapevine downy mildew management: from resistance mechanisms to fitness of zoxamide-resistant strains
Professors: Laura Toffolatti, Piero Attilio Bianco

Management for energy savings during winemaking process, and especially during the steps of alcoholic and malolactic fermentations
Professors: Ileana Vigentini, Roberto Beghi

Bioplastic in the environment
Professor: Fabrizio Adani

Research lines activated under DM 118

Caratterizzazione genetica del germoplasma di Vitis vinifera e Vitis spp. per l'identificazione di tratti di resistenza a stress biotici ed abiotici
Professor: Lucio Brancadoro

Strategie alimentari “circolari” per migliorare la sostenibilità ambientale degli allevamenti di bovine da latte e diminuire la competizione food-feed
Professor: Stefania Colombini

ARCHEOLOGIA, MARE E CULTURA. Progettazione, organizzazione e gestione della ricerca interdisciplinare di terra e subacquea
Professor: Gloria Olcese

Telerilevamento di indicatori agro-ambientali per la gestione sostenibile degli agroecostemi e la protezione della salute umana
Professors: Francesco Pietro Fava e Stefano Bocchi

Other research lines

Innovative methods for assessing and improving environmental sustainability and animal welfare in dairy farming
Professor: Luciana Bava

Nutrient and carbon recovery from biomasses: environmental impact measurement by life Cycle Assessment
Professor: Fabrizio Adani

Exploiting plant extracts and plant-derived biologically active specialised metabolites as a source of new potential botanical herbicides
Professor: Fabrizio Araniti

Low impact technologies for plant pathogen control
Professor: Paola Casati

Professor: Paola Casati, Alessandro Passera

Low impact technologies for plant pathogen control
Professors: Paola Casati

Feeding strategies to enhance dairy efficiency and environmental sustainability by modifying rumen microbiome
Professor: Stefania Colombini

Development of new models of genomic selection and biodiversity conservation in Italian small ruminant populations
Professor: Paola Crepaldi

Identification of genes related to grapevine response to biotic stresses
Professors: Gabriella De Lorenzis, Silvia Laura Toffolatti

Innovation of irrigation practices through the use of measurements, models and automatic water distribution and delivery systems
Professor: Daniele Masseroni

Development of innovative welfare indicators in farmed ruminants
Professors: Silvana Mattiello, Monica Battini

Archaeo Agronomy and Archaeometry. Archaeological and archaeometric research for the study of rural landscape, production and trade in Antiquity
Professor: Gloria Olcese

Crop residue management effects on N2O emissions and soil organic carbon
Professors: Alessia Perego, Luca Bechini, Prof Giorgio Ragaglini

Study and characterization of  Maize germplasm
Professors: Pilu Salvatore Roberto

Study of the protein–protein interactions as component of plant responses to nitrogen availability
Professors: Bhakti Prinsi, Luca Espen

Genomics and epidemiology of phytoplasmas associated with plant diseases
Professors: Fabio Quaglino, Piero Attilio Bianco

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