CIA – Cognition in Action Group

Our main research interest is to investigate the processes and the mechanisms underlying action representations. By using kinematics system technologies we investigate which factors shape human behaviour in joint context as well as in individual context. We also explore the neural correlates of movement execution, action perception and action understanding by using EEG and combined EEG/TMS paradigms. Future projects will examine the contribution of motor representation in the Theory of Mind (TOM), and how the modulation of these representations may impact the experience of emotions.

We collaborate with: Marco Rabuffetti (LAM, Polo Tecnologico of Fondazione Don Gnocchi, Milan, Italy) Marta Bortoletto (Cognitive Neuroscience Unit of RCCS Centro San Giovanni di Dio Fatebenefratelli, Brescia, Italy), Marco Tamietto (Department of Psychology, University of Turin, Italy), Marcello Massimini (Sacco Hospital, Milan, Italy), Luigi Cattaneo (Università di Trento) and Marcello Costantini (Università di Chieti-Pescara).

Experimental techniques:

  • Matlab (Psychtoolbox) and E-prime software for cognitive and perceptual processes studies;
  • SMART system technologies for kinematics data acquisition;
  • EEG, electroencephalography, for brain activity recording;
  • TMS, transcranial magnetic stimulation, for brain connectivity and brain causality studies.

Corrado Sinigaglia is a Full Professor of Philosophy of Science. He is currently working on the role of motor processes and representations in joint action.


Maria Teresa Pascarelli is a Post-Doc Researcher working in the field of Clinical and Cognitive Neuroscience. Her interests range from the study of brain physiology of quiet vigilance to the motor processes underlying the brain mechanisms of action and perception.


Martina Fanghella is a Post-Doc Researcher with a PhD in psychology and social neuroscience. She is interested in investigating the plasticity of somatic representation during interpersonal interaction via EEG, TMS and behavioural measures.
