The “Preparation laboratory” offers the following advanced instrumentation affording alternative approaches for the preapplicative implementation of innovative inorganic and organic materials in photovoltaic, optoelectronic, and sensor devices:
- Jacomex glove box 4+3 with a Kenosystec Ultra High Vacuum Thin Film Deposition system, including both thermal and effusion sources
- Aurel Automation C900 Screen-Stencil Printer deposition unit with Proalign system
- Fujifilm Dimatix Ink Jet Printer
- 5-Pascal Magnetron Sputtering Chamber
- 2 Laurell Spin Coaters (one inserted in a glove box)
- Full equipment for DSSC preparation: programmable Ti hot plate, Nabertherm programmable oven, vertical drill etc.
Moreover, to check the deposited thin layer,
- Bruker DektakXT contact profilometer