A Guide to Global Private International Law – May 2022

AG Collins on Articles 1 and 34 of Brussels I

AG Collins delivered on 5 May 2022 his opinion in case C‑700/20 (The London Steam-Ship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited v Kingdom of Spain), which is about Brussels I (recognition of a judgment given in another Member State, a judgment

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CJEU on Articles 2 and 39 Brussels I bis

The Court of Justice delivered on 7 April 2022 its judgment in case C‑568/20 (J v H Limited), which is about Brussels I bis. It stated: “Article 2(a) and Article 39 of Regulation (EU) No 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and of the

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The EU Commission publishes Rome II Study

The British Institute of International and Comparative Law (BIICL) and Civic Consulting publisched a Study on the application of Regulation (EC) No. 864/2007 on the law applicable to non-contractual obligations (“Rome II Regulation”). The Study analyses the practical experiences and

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Webinar – “Il “dialogo” tra le Corti: tra esigenze di tutela dei diritti e di ridefinizione dei ruoli” – Tavola Rotonda – Università degli Studi di Milano – Giovedì 24 giugno 2021, 14:30 – 18:30

Nell’ambito del Corso di perfezionamento “Il contenzioso dinanzi alle Corti europee” (coord. Prof. Avv. Barbara Randazzo), giovedì 24 giugno 2021, dalle 14:30 alle 18:30 si svolgerà una Tavola Rotonda sul tema “Il “dialogo” tra le Corti: tra esigenze di tutela

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FIFTEENTH WEBINAR OF THE JEAN MONNET MODULE SERIES on “Multilevel, Multiparty and Multisector Cross-Border Litigation in Europe” – Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams

Thursday, April 15, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams Title: “Collective redress mechanisms – PART V – In cross-border consumer disputes and environmental litigation” Speaker: Fernando Gascón Inchausti – Catedrático of Civil Procedure, Universidad Complutense

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FOURTEENTH WEBINAR OF THE JEAN MONNET MODULE SERIES on “Collective redress mechanisms – PART IV – in cross-border labour law disputes” – Wednesday April 14, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams

Wednesday April 14, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams Title: “Collective redress mechanisms – PART IV – in cross-border labour law disputes” Speakers:  Francesca Marinelli, Associate Professor of Labour Law, Università degli Studi, Milan – Italy;

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THIRTEENTH WEBINAR OF THE JEAN MONNET MODULE SERIES on the “Collective redress mechanisms – PART III – The cross-border dimension (Brussels I-bis Regulation v. 2019 Hague Convention on Enforcement of Foreign Judgments)” – Friday 9 April 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams

Friday 9 April 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams Title: “Collective redress mechanisms – PART III – The cross-border dimension (Brussels I-bis Regulation v. 2019 Hague Convention on Enforcement of Foreign Judgments)” Speaker: Fernando Gascón

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TENTH WEBINAR OF THE JEAN MONNET MODULE SERIES on “Multilevel, Multiparty and Multisector Cross-Border Litigation in Europe” – Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams

Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams Title: “Relationships and conflicts between intra-EU investment arbitration and EU law” Speaker: Pietro Ortolani – Full Professor of Digital Conflict Resolution, Radboud University, Nijmegen – The

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NINTH WEBINAR OF THE JEAN MONNET MODULE SERIES on “Multilevel, Multiparty and Multisector Cross-Border Litigation in Europe” – Friday, March 26, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams

Friday, March 26, 2021 at 14.30 – Università degli Studi, Milan, on Microsoft Teams Title: “Relationships and conflicts between national courts and private commercial tribunals under EU law” Speaker: Pietro Ortolani – Full Professor of Digital Conflict Resolution, Radboud University,

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