By Emma van Gelder, PhD-Candidate & prof. dr. Xandra Kramer (Erasmus University Rotterdam, ERC Project ‘Building EU Civil Justice, A few weeks ago, alarming messages appeared in the Dutch media, stating that the digitisation of justice project in the Netherlands had failed, and that the project would be discontinued (see for instance the well-respected […]
Day: April 25, 2018
Punitive Damages and European Private International Law: State of the Art and Future Developments – Milan, 11 May 2018
Cari Colleghi e Amici, componenti della redazione di Diritto del commercio internazionale, d’intesa con il prof. Crivellaro allego il programma del convegno, organizzato per venerdì 11 maggio p.v., sul tema “Punitive damages and European private international law: state of the art and future developments“, argomento al quale anche la nostra Rivista ha dedicato attenzione. La partecipazione […]