Cases, Materials and News on European Civil Procedure

Apply now: The Marie Curie Individual Fellowship – Submission deadline 20 May 2019

The T.M.C. Asser Instituut welcomes researchers, who would like to apply for a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship, a grant scheme within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 funding programme. A successful application will allow experienced researchers, in possession of a doctoral degree, to spend a research period of 12 to 24 months at the Asser Institute. […]

New book: Justice Framed A Genealogy of Transitional Justice – Dr Marcos Zunino

Justice Framed A Genealogy of Transitional Justice Dr Marcos Zunino – BIICL Research Fellow in Judicial Independence and Constitutional Transitions. Abstract Why are certain responses to past human rights violations considered instances of transitional justice while others are disregarded? This study interrogates the history of the discourse and practice of the field to answer that […]

2019 EU Justice Scoreboard – European Commission – Comparative overview of the independence, quality and efficiency of justice systems in the EU Member States

The 7th edition of the EU Justice Scoreboard has just been released by the European Commission. It assists Member States in addressing the challenges they are facing in line with European standards. It serves as a basis for an informed dialogue to focus on tailored solutions, depending on the specific circumstances in a given country. It continues […]

Max Planck Luxembourg PhD Scholarships 2020 – Deadline for applications 31 May 2019

Max Planck Luxembourg PhD Scholarships 2020 Among the goals pursued by the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law is to promote research and academic exchange with foreign scholars. In this framework, to assist particularly young scholars further advance their research activity, the Max Planck Institute Luxembourg offers a limited number […]

Questions and answers related to the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union in the field of Civil Justice and Private International Law

On 18 January 2019, the European Commission services published an updated “Notice to stakeholders – withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of civil justice and private international law”. Last week, the Commission published a list of Questions and Answers, which “gives further guidance on the basis of the Notice in […]

Conference ‘e’ meets justice: building bridges in cross-border procedures – E-Codex Plus project and ERC project team Building EU Civil Justice – 2-3 May 2019

The e-Codex Plus project and the ERC project team Building EU Civil Justice of the Erasmus School of Law are jointly organising the conference ‘e’ meets justice: building bridges in cross-border procedures. On 2 and 3 May 2019, academics, IT and legal professionals will meet in Lisbon to discuss how to improve the collaboration between […]

Advisory Opinion rendered by the ECtHR on the recognition in domestic law of legal parent-child relationship between a child born through a gestational surrogacy arrangement abroad and the intended mother – 10 April 2019

Following the request by the French Court of Cassation, on April 10, 2019 the European Court of Human Rights issued an Advisory Opinion, stating that: “In a situation where a child was born abroad through a gestational surrogacy arrangement and was conceived using the gametes of the intended father and a third-party donor, and where […]

ELI Instrument on ‘Empowering European Families: Towards More Party Autonomy in European Family Law and Succession Law’ – Electronic voting procedure

ELI has initiated an electronic voting procedure for the approval of the ELI Instrument on ‘Empowering European Families: Towards More Party Autonomy in European Family Law and Succession Law’. The ELI Council has already cast their vote on this issue at its meeting of 28 February to 1 March 2019. Its decision can be found here. The Instrument […]

Conclusions & Recommendations Adopted By Council on General Affairs and Policy – Hague Conference on Private International Law

Topics addressed: Work relating to possible new instruments Judgments Project Parentage / Surrogacy Project Recognition of domestic adoptions Family agreements Cooperation with UNIDROIT, UNCITRAL, WIPO and other International Organisations Post-Convention activities – 1980 Child Abduction and 1996 Child Protection Conventions 2007 Child Support Convention (incl. iSupport) and its Protocol International transfer of maintenance funds 1993 Intercountry […]

The European Commission is launching a reflection process on the rule of law in the European Union and setting out possible avenues for future action – 3 April 2019

The Communication presented today takes stock of the available tools to monitor, assess, and protect the rule of law in the Union. It also looks back at the experience of the past years so that we can start a wider European debate on how the rule of law could be further strengthened. The past experience, […]

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