“BRIOxAlkemy: A bias detecting tool” at Meetup

Meetup event organised by Data Science Milan. It will be hosted by Alkemy (Via San Gregorio, 34 20124 Milan, Italy) on Wednesday, December 13, 2023 from 18:30 until 21:30 CET.

The event will be held in English. Both at the beginning and at the end of the talks there will be a networking aperitif with food and drinks.

BRIOxAlkemy: A bias detecting tool – Greta Coraglia and Davide Posillipo

The aim of the collaboration between BRIO and Alkemy is to produce software applications for the analysis of bias, risk and opacity with regard to AI technologies which often rely on non-deterministic computations and are opaque in nature. We present a first tool developed within the BRIOxAlkemy collaboration for the detection and analysis of biased behaviours in AI systems, and its theoretical background. The tool is aimed at developers and data scientists who wish to test their algorithms relying on probabilistic and learning mechanisms in order to detect misbehaviours related to biases and collect data about them. We will show the tool with a live demo and explain our open source and collaborative approach to its development.

Speakers’ Bio

  • Greta Coraglia is a postdoc in the Logic, Uncertainty, Computation and Information (LUCI) group at UniMi. She has a background in pure mathematics, and got her Ph.D. in mathematical logic. She is interested in theoretical computer science and formal methods for computation, and is trying to use all of this for better AI practices and AI literacy.
  • Davide Posillipo is Lead Data Scientist at Alkemy, currently co-head of the internal Deep Learning & Big Data Department. He has a background in Statistics and extensive experience in consulting and teaching. His interests span from applied machine learning and deep learning to epistemology and ethics of AI.


18:30 Welcome and Opening
18.55 Intro to the Data Science Milan community
19.00 Tech talk starts
20.15 Networking aperitivo

Don’t forget to get your ticket on Eventbrite to register to the event: https://www.eventbrite.it/e/brioxalkemy-a-bias-detecting-tool-tickets-765167144527?aff=oddtdtcreator

Link to Youtube streaming: https://www.youtube.com/@DataScienceMilan

For more information: visit https://www.meetup.com/data-science-milan/events/297537118/