The epistemology and ethics of the attribution of mental states to autonomous and intelligent systems

June 24, 2024

9:45-15:30 CEST



09:45-10:00: Opening

10:00-10:45: Silvia Larghi & Edoardo Datteri (UNIMIB), “Do robots have a mind? Mentalistic explanations of robots’ behavior”

10:45-11:30: Guido Cassinadri (SSSUP), “AI substituting/complementing humans: a cognitive and affective analysis

11:30-11:45: break

11:45-12:30: Ilaria Alfieri & Maria Raffa (IULM), “Social robots and decision making: ethical aspects”

14:00-14:45: Martina Bacaro (UNIBO), “From attribution of intentionality to intentionality detection in human-robot interaction: an enactivist account for understanding robots”

14:45-15:30: Giacomo Zanotti (POLIMI) & Marco Facchin (UANTWERP), “Making emotional transparency transparent”