Here you can find the list of the former PhD students. If you are looking for forms or other resources for current students, please have a look at this page.
Starting from the 35th cycle, two different curricula where implemented: “Earth System: Processes and Modeling” (icon ) and “Georesources” (icon ).
When the grant is partially funded by non-standard university funds, this is specified with following icons/acronyms:
- pon: funds from the “Programma Operativo Nazionale” of the Ministry of Instruction, University and Research and co-funded by the private sector;
- : funds from the project “The Geosciences for the society: resources and their evolution”;
- 352: funds from the Decreto Minsteriale 352/2022.
XXXVI cycle
tutor: Diego GATTA
project title: Erionite: Crystal-chemistry, properties and utilizations. - Chiara BETTONI
tutor: Cinza BOTTINI
project title: The role of extreme paleoenvironmental conditions on nannoplankton carbonate production: case studies from the Cretaceous. - Alessandro Paolo CARNITI
project title: Mississippian mud mounds of Derbyshire (England, UK): facies architecture and biotic evolution. - Andrea CITRINI
tutor: Corrado CAMERA; co-tutor: Giovanni BERETTA
project title: Management of multiple and concurrent use of water resources in an Alpine environment under climate change. - Jacopo MELADA
tutor: Mauro GIUDICI
project title: Development of a thermal vision system through solar loading thermography: development of an experimental setup and of a data processing procedure through deep learning for the characterization and early risk warning related to cliff monitoring and cultural heritage conservation. - Andrea MORCIONI
tutor: Tiziana APUANI
project title: Studies on the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of rock masses in the context of climate change. - Serena PERINI
tutor: Giovanni MUTTONI
project title: Magnetochronology of early hominin occupation of North Africa and southern Europe.
XXXV cycle
- Arcangela BOLLINO
tutor: Anna Maria MAROTTA
project title: Quasi static gravity signatures in slow tectonic zones: assimilation of novel aerospace data and geophysical modeling. - Marco CANTALUPPI
tutor: Marilena MARINONI
project title: Advanced mineralogical and crystallographical techniques for undertanding trasformation processes in natural materials and synthetic analogues. - Giulia CASIRAGHI
tutor: Daniele PEDRETTI; co-tutor: Giovanni BERETTA
project title: Combining geochemical and numerical modelling for chlorinated solvents groundwater contamination. - Luca FORTI
tutor: Andrea ZERBONI; co-tutor: E.REGATTIERI (CNR-IGG)
project title: Geoarchaeological and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the Holocene climate-environmental-human nexus in Iraqi Kurdistan. - Lorenzo MAGNANI
tutor: Federico FARINA
project title: LCT type pegmatites and their genetic mechanisms: correlations between pegmatitic melts genesis and country rocks. - Angelica MOSCONI
tutor: Massimo TIEPOLO
project title: Multiscale geochemical study of the processes involved in crustal growth. - Francesco PAGLIARO
tutor: Paolo LOTTI; co-tutor: Fernando CAMARA ARTIGAS
project title: Minerogenesis, crystal chemistry and chemical-physical stability of REE-bearing minerals: the case study of Mount Cervandone.
XXXIV cycle
- Greta BAJNI
tutor: Tiziana APUANI, Corrado CAMERA
project title: Statistical methods to assess rock fall susceptibility in an Alpine environment: climatic forcing and hydro-thermal-mechanical degradation of rock masses. - Gabriele BINDELLINI
tutor: Marco BALINI, Cristiano DE SASSO (Museo di SN, Milano)
project title: Study of the paleontological record of the Besano Formation (Middle Triassic) at Sasso Caldo, Varese, UNESCO WHL Monte San Giorgio. - Liyenne CAVALHEIRO
tutor: Elisabetta ERBA
project title: Production, accumulation and preservation of organic matter during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: implications for hydrocarbon geosciences. - Michela GRAMMATICA
tutor: Patrizia FUMAGALLI, Giulio BORGHINI
project title: The role of melt-rock reactions in the mass transport and re-mobilization of major and trace elements (e.g. REE): an experimental study. - Sara GUERINI
tutor: Paola TARTAROTTI
project title: Structure, geochemistry and petrology of serpentinites and listvenites in the Western Alps: constraints on carbonation and element mobilization from subduction to ophiolite emplacement. - Wu Ying LI
tutor: Andrea ZERBONI, Diego GATTA, Federica VILLA, Marina GALLINARO (Università la Sapienza, Roma)
project title: New analytical methods to investigate rock art: weathering and preservation of rock supports and pigments. - Simone REGUZZI
tutor: Mattia MARINI, Riccardo BERSEZIO, Fabrizio FELLETTI, Massimo ROSSI (Eni S.p.A.)
project title: Oligocene to Early Miocene evolution of clastic deposition in the eastern Tertiary Piedmont Basin (NW, Italy). - Deborah SPARTA’
tutor: Patrizia FUMAGALLI, Stefano POLI
project title: REE- bearing hydrous carbonatites systems at high pressure: an experimental study.
XXXIII cycle
tutor: Giovanni GRIECO
project title: Chromite ore deposits: genesis, evolution and industrial applications. - Marco FILIPPI
tutors: Iole SPALLA, LARDEAUX, Davide ZANONI
project title: Structural and metamorphic evolution of Variscan rocks from the Alps and comparison with the evolution of tectonic units from different portions of central-European Variscan belt. PhD in co-tutela - Francesco MINIATI
tutor: Elisabetta ERBA
project: Depositional characterization of organic-rich facies in deep and ultra-deep water areas: Biostratigraphic and paleoceanographic characterization. - Mattia NEMBRINI
tutors: Giovanna DELLLA PORTA, Fabrizio BERRA
project title: Controlling factors on the depositional architecture of carbonate systems: sedimentology, facies, geometries and diagenesis of Eastern Sardinia Jurassic carbonates. - Debora VOLTOLINA
tutors: Tiziana APUANI, Simone STERLACCHINI
project title: Wildland surface fire behaviour: a spatial simulation model for operational emergency management.
XXXII cycle
- Luca CORTI
tutor: Michele ZUCALI, Davide ZANONI
project title: Quantitative analysis of fabric evolution and metamorphic transformation in crystalline basements. - Pietro LUONI
tutor: Davide ZANONI, REBAY (Università di Pavia), Iole Spalla
project title: Multiscale structural analysis of ultramafic rocks in the different structural domains of the Alps, integrated with petrology and geochemistry: a key to unravel the geodynamic interpretation of collisional belts. - Marchesi Ruben
Tutor: Prof. Balini
Dissertation title: Early Carnian ammonoids from Nevada: revised taxonomy, evolutionary trends and usefulness for the definition of the Late Triassic time scale - Pellicioli Claudia
Tutor: Dr. Groppelli, Prof. Zucali, Dr. José Luis Macias (UNAM, Mexico)
Dissertation title: Study of the geological evolution and structural patterns at different scales characterising the Tres Vírgenes region (Mexico) to evaluate the geothermal energy potential - Visentin Stefano
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and taxonomy across the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event: a comparison between Tethyan and Boreal sections.
XXXI cycle
- Giacomo Armetti
Tutor: Prof. Apuani, Prof. Migliazza
Dissertation title: Geomechanical characterisation of rock masses for tunnels excavation with TBM - Angelica MOSCONI
- tutor: Massimo TIEPOLO
- project title: Multiscale geochemical study of the processes involved in crustal growth.
- Davide Comboni
Tutor: Prof. Gatta
Dissertation title: High pressure behaviour of zeolites with large cavities - Davide Fugazza
Tutor: Prof. Diolaiuti, Prof. Gatta
Dissertation title: All eyes on glaciers: remote sensing of the cryosphere - Elena Possenti
Tutors: Prof. Gatta, Dr. Colombo, Dr. Conti
Dissertation title: Inorganic products used in Conservation of Cultural Heritage: interaction with carbonatic substrates and newly-formed crystalline phases. - Gianluca Sessa
Tutor: Prof. Tiepolo
Dissertation title: Amphibole as a proxy of secular variations into the deep cycle of volatiles elements - Facheng Ye
Tutor; Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: The macro-structure of modern and fossil brachiopod archives - Chiara Zuffetti
Tutors: Prof. Bersezio, Dr. Comunian, Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Multiscale characterization and modelling of complex structures in alluvial hydrostratigraphy: accounting for geological knowledge in quantitative models.
XXX cycle
- Luca Capizzi
Tutors: Prof. Poli, Prof. Fumagalli, Prof. Tumiati
Dissertation title: The mobility of hydrous carbonate liquids in the mantle: an experimental model - Alessandro Da Mommio
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: High pressure phase relationships in calc-silicate rocks and fluid generation from calcite dissolution and melting - Justine Francomme
Turor: Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Melt-rock interactions at the mantle-crust interface in oceanic spreading environments: An experimental investigation - Bruno Giovanni Galuzzi
Tutor: Prof. Stucchi
Dissertation title: Tecniche di inversione sismica per la stima di un macro modello di velocità con algoritmi di ottimizzazione globali. - Anna Masseroli
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: Evoluzione dei suoli e fluttuazioni della treeline sul versante meridionale dell arco alpino nel quadro dei cambiamenti climatici dell Olocene - Jacopo Terrenghi
Tutor: Prof. Beretta, Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Contaminazione delle acque sotterranee in ambienti idrogeologici complessi: caratterizzazione e modellazione
XXIX cycle
- Valentina Caruso
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: Ruolo dell’alterazione delle fasi minerali ed organiche nella propagazione delle fratture peri e post mortali del tessuto osseo umano antico - Roberto Sergio Azzoni
Tutor: Prof. Diolaiuti , Dr. Zerboni
Dissertation title: Caratterizzazione del detrito sopraglaciale nelle sue componenti sedimentologiche, biologiche e antropiche e analisi dei flussi di CO2 in ambiente glaciale e proglaciale - Giorgia Confalonieri
Tutor: Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Local disorder in the structure of Ba(Ti,Ce)O3 perovskite by means of powder diffraction and total scattering. Effect of doping concentration and grain size - Matteo Galimberti
Tutor: Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Utilizzo di scorie nella produzione di clinker per i green cements - Silvia Elena Gilardoni
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Paleoclimatic and paleocenographic reconstruction of the Albian – Cenomanian interval based on planktonic foraminifera - Marco Musetti
Tutor: Prof. Trombino, Dr. Comolli
Dissertation title: Tecniche di cartografia digitale per la produzione di carte di dettaglio dei suoli - Alessandro Regorda
Tutor: Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: The thermo-mechanical evolution of the subduction-collision systems - Andrea Tessarollo
Tutor: Prof. Berra
Dissertation title: Processi di nucleazione di piattaforme carbonatiche ad alto rilievo: caratterizzazione sedimentologica e composizione delle facies ed evoluzione deposizionale del Calcare di Esino (Ladinico-Carnico inferiore) in Lombardia.
XXVIII cycle
- Andrea Croci
Della Tutor: Prof. Porta
Dissertation title: Carbonate deposition in continental settings: lacustrine microbialites and hydrothermal travertine - Giovanna De Filippis
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Modellazione della circolazione idrica sotterranea nella fascia costiera jonica tarantina - Irene Fantone
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Le problematiche ambientali di siti minerari a solfuri nel contesto della costruzione di database ambientali georeferenziati - Silvia Inzoli
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: L’apporto delle indagini geo-elettromagnetiche nella caratterizzazione idrostratigrafica di sottosuolo: studio delle relazioni petrofisiche che legano parametri elettrici e parametri lito-tessiturali di sedimenti alluvionali a diverse scale. - Guido Stefano Mariani
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: I Paleosuoli come Strumento di Ricostruzione Paleoambientale: Genesi e Sviluppo di Suoli Montani nel Quadro dei Mutamenti Climatici Olocenici. - Stefania Stevenazzi
Tutor: Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Valutazione degli effetti dello urban sprawl sulle risorse idriche sotterranee - Davide Tantardini
Tutor: Prof. Bini
Dissertation title: Geologia del Quaternario e Geomorfologia della Valchiavenna.
XXVII cycle
- Alessia Barchetta
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Biostratigraphy, evolutionary history and paleoecology of Late Cretaceous planktonic foraminifera - Gaia Crippa
Tutor: Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Chemiostratigrafia e sclerocronologia della macrofauna plio-pleistocenica dell’Emilia occidentale e implicazioni paleoclimatiche - Giulia Faucher
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Variazioni morfometriche delle alghe coccolitoforidi in condizioni di CO2 in eccesso: confronti tra i dati geologici e simulazioni in laboratorio - Lucia Pagliari
Tutor: Prof. Pavese, Prof. Dapiaggi
Dissertation title: Applicazioni del total scattering a nano-materiali ceramici di interesse industriale - Carla Tiraboschi
Tutor: Dr. Tumiati, Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Speciazione di fluidi COH in condizioni di alta pressione e temperatura: uno studio sperimentale mediante tecniche in-situ ed ex-situ.
XXVI cycle
- Andrea Baucon
Tutor: Dr. Felletti, Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Network theory in ichnology: from behavioural topology to environmental architecture - Laura Cattaneo
Tutor: Prof. Giudici, Dr. De Franco
Dissertation title: Dissertation title: Flusso idrico e trasporto di soluti nei sedimenti alluvionali a diverse scale: sviluppo di modelli innovativi e integrazione con indagini idrostratigrafiche e idrogeofisiche - Federica Ferrari
Tutor: Prof. Apuani, Prof. Giani
Dissertation title: Rock mass characterization and spatial estimation of geomechanical properties through geostatistical techniques - Gabriele Gambacorta
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic reconstructions of the late Albian – early Turonian (Cretaceous) time interval: from an unstable to a stable ocean - Paolo Lotti
Tutor: Prof. Gatta, Prof. Pavese
Dissertation title: Cancrinite-group minerals at non-ambient conditions: a model of the elastic behaviour and structure evolution - Anna Pellizzone
Tutor: Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Paleomagnetic analyses on Permian volcanics and redbeds from Africa and Europe and the paleogeography of Pangea during the Permian - Fabio Russo
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Calcareous nannofossil revised biostratigraphy of the latest Albian-earliest Campanian time interval (Cretaceous) - Domitilla Santi
Tutor: Prof. Tartarotti, Dr. Brunelli
Dissertation title: Struttura e petrogenesi delle peridotiti di mantello lungo la trasforme Romanche (Oceano Atlantico Equatoriale).
XXV cycle
- Federica Barilaro
Tutor: Prof. Della Porta
Dissertation title: The character and spatial distribution of Holocene and Pleistocene hydrothermal travertines (Albegna Valley, Southern Tuscany, Central Italy) - Andrea Bernasconi
Tutor: Dr. Dapiaggi, Prof. Pavese
Dissertation title: Sanitary-ware: from the industrial macro characterisation to the atomic scale analysis. - Francesco Delleani
Tutor: Prof. Spalla
Dissertation title: Deformation and metamorphism relationships in acid and femic protoliths of the Austroalpine continental crust subducted and exhumed in a severely depressed thermal regime. - Shpetim Kastrati
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Innovative approaches to mineral exploitation: the cases of manganese enrichment and pyrite recycling - Boris Mosconi
Tutor: Prof. Smiraglia, Dr. Diolaiuti, Dr. Bocchiola
Dissertation title: Some examples of modelling glacier mass balance and results from snow melt mitigation strategies in the Italian Alps - Maria Pedrotti
Tutor: Prof. Grieco
Dissertation title: Chromite: from the mineral to the commodity - Silvia Porro
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani
Dissertation title: A biogeochemical approach for the environmental characterisation of mine lands - Elisa Vuillermoz
Tutor: Prof. Smiraglia, Dr. Diolaiuti, Dr. Bonasoni
Dissertation title: Contribution to the comprehension of climate change towards cryosphere and atmospheric analysis: the cases study of Changri Nup Glacier, Nepal Himalayas and of Forni Glacier, Italian Alps.
XXIV cycle
- Emmanuele Cavalli
Tutor: Prof. Bersezio
Dissertation title: Metodologia per la realizzazione e calibrazione dei modelli idrostratrigrafici multiscala in complessi acquiferi alluvionali assistita da geo- processing - Gabriele Cambiotti
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: Modelli di Terra avanzati, viscoelastici e compressibili, ed applicazioni al rimbalzo post-glaciale e post-sismico - Corrado Camera
Tutor: Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Modellazione numerica a scala di bacino della probabilità di innesco e della propagazione di colate di detrito. - Sara Comero
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani
Dissertation title: Fate assessment and source apportionment of environmental pollutants using X-ray analytical techniques and chemometric data modelling - Eleonora Dall’Olio
Tutor: Dr. Felletti, Prof. Muttoni
Dissertation title: Analisi sedimentologiche e di anisotropia magnetica sulle direzioni di provenienza del sedimento in sistemi torbiditici appenninici. - Francesca Falzoni
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Biostratigrafia, evoluzione e significato paleoambientale dei foraminiferi planctonici nell’intervallo Coniaciano – Campaniano (Cretacico Superiore) - Ivan Frigerio
Tutor: Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Gestione delle emergenze idrogeologiche mediante GIS e sistemi di supporto alle decisioni, Protezione Civile e pianificazione del territorio - Pasquale Poppa
Tutor: Prof. Trombino, Prof. Cattaneo
Dissertation title: L’individuazione e la caratterizzazione dei siti di occultamento di resti umani in ambito forense: applicazioni geopedologiche e geoarcheologiche
XXIII cycle
- Marco Binda
Tutor: Prof. Berra, Prof. Jadoul
Dissertation title: Facies distribution of a rimmed carbonate platform and overlying regressive carbonates: the Esino Limestone and Calcare Rosso facies in the Central Southern Alps (Lombardy, Italy) - Enrico Bonamini
Tutor: Prof. Berra, Prof. Jadoul
Dissertation title: Facies and compositional analysis integrated with a statistical approach on a Norian basinal calcareous succession (Zorzino limestone , Southern Alps, Italy): reconstruction of the possible controlling factors and depositional processes - Cinzia Bottini
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: pCO2 effects on the production of pelagic biogenic carbonate and ocean chemistry: a case history from the Cretaceous - Chiara Compostella
Tutor: Prof. Trombino
Dissertation title: I paleosuoli come strumento di ricostruzione paleoambientale nel quadro dei mutamenti olocenici dell’ambiente montano. - Johannes Fischer
Tutor: Prof. Poli, Prof. Fumagalli
Dissertation title: Chlorite and a new hydrous pyroxene in subducted Cr-bearing ultramafics: an experimental study - Andrea Merri
Tutor: Prof. Giani, Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Ammassi rocciosi fratturati: modellazione del reticolo di fratturazione, effetti sulla circolazione idrica e sulla stabilità - Manuel Roda
Tutor: Prof. Spalla, Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: Integration of natural data within a numerical model for the geodynamic reconstruction of an inner portion of the Alps - Dario Marcello Soldan
Tutor: Prof. Petrizzo
Dissertation title: Revision of Paleocene-Eocene planktic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and evolutionary history of the genus Igorina through parsimony analysis - Alessandro Sorichetta
Tutor: Prof. Beretta, Prof. Masetti
Dissertation title: Groundwater vulnerability assessment using statistical methods
XXII cycle
- Diana dell’Arciprete
Tutor: Prof. Giudici, Prof. Bersezio
Dissertation title: Modellazione geostatistica e numerica dell’architettura sedimentaria e - Emanuele Fontana
Tutor: Prof. Tartarotti
Dissertation title: Assetto strutturale e tettonico del sito ODP-IODP 1256 (oceano Pacifico equatoriale) e loro influenza sul controllo della circolazione dei fluidi e sull’alterazione nella crosta oceanica attuale - Marco Levera
Tutor: Prof. Balini
Dissertation title: Studio biostratigrafico integrato della successione carnico-norica (Triassico superiore) del Bacino Sicano (Sicilia occidentale), a supporto della candidatura di Pizzo Mondello per il GSSP del Piano Norico - Michele Mazza
Tutor: Prof. Nicora
Dissertation title: Fauna a conodonti della sezione di Pizzo Mondello (Monti Sicani, Sicilia occidentale) proposta come GSSP per il limite Carnico/Norico: biostratigrafia integrata e geochimica isotopica dei depositi pelagici del Triassico Superioredel Bacino Sicano - Grazia Rossi
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: Tecnica DinSAR per il monitoraggio delle deformazioni co-sismiche e pre-sismiche del suolo - Daniele Tiraboschi
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Variazioni quantitative del nannoplancton calcareo durante il Cretacico: paleoecologia, tassi evolutivi, produzione di carbonato e pCO2 - Vincenzo Verna
Tutor: Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Guadalupian brachiopods from Tunisia and Turkey: Systematics and palaeobiogeographic implications - Anna Paula Vinkler
Tutor: Dr. Groppelli
Dissertation title: Study of fragmentation and compositional variations within caldera forming ignimbrites to understand caldera formation processes
XXI cycle
- Maryamnaz Bahrammanesh Tehrani*
Tutor: Prof. Balini, Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Brachiopods from the Early Carboniferous of North Iran: Classification, Biostratigraphy and Paleobiogeography - Fernando Bellotti
Tutor: Dr. Pasquar, Dr. Groppelli
Dissertation title: Evoluzione del versante occidentale del Monte Etna e studio strutturale del Rift associato - Cristina Emanuela Casellato*
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Causes and consequences of calcareous nannoplankton evolution in the Late Jurassic: implication for biogeochronology, biocalcification and ocean chemistry - Alessandro Lanfranchi
Tutor: Prof. Jadoul, Prof. Erba, Prof. Berra
Dissertation title: Stratigraphy, palaeogeography and facies analysis of Upper Jurassic-Berriasian carbonate depositional systems of eastern Sardinia - Mauro Mele
Tutor: Prof. Bersezio, Prof. Giudci, Dr. Felletti
Dissertation title: L architettura degli acquiferi alluvionali: una metodologia integrata geologico-geofisica per la caratterizzazione a diverse scale - Chiara Nicola
Tutor: Prof. Artioli, Dr. Angelini
Dissertation title: Sviluppo della tecnologia di produzione del vetro: dalla protostoria all età del Ferro - Marcello Rossi
Tutor: Prof. Sfondrini, Prof. Apuani
Dissertation title: Fenomeni di erosione di versante in ambiente alpino: sperimentazione, monitoraggio e modellazione del bacino pilota della Valchiavenna - Marco Sala*
Tutor: Prof. Artioli, Dr. Maggi, Dr. Dapiaggi, Dr. Delmonet
Dissertation title: Mineralogy of Antarctic ice dust and Potential dust Source Areas in the Southern Hemisphere - Diego Servida
Tutor: Prof. De Capitani, Prof. Grieco, Dr. Moroni
Dissertation title: Innovative approaches to evaluate geochemical risk related to sulphide-bearing Abandoned Mine Lands - Raffaele Splendore
Tutor: Prof. Marotta
Dissertation title: Present-day tectonic deformation and stress fields at the regional scale in the Tyrrhenian area: synergic use of geophysical forward modeling and geodetic data.
XX cycle
- Valentina Roberta Barletta *
Tutor: Prof. Sabadini
Dissertation title: New constraints on mantle viscosity and ice mass variations inferred from combined satellite and ground data - Laura Carabelli *
Tutor: Prof. Balini, Prof. Angiolini
Dissertation title: Brachiopods from the P-T boundary beds of North Iran: classification and biostratigraphy - Cinzia Durante
Tutor: Prof. Giudici
Dissertation title: Modello di flusso del sistema acquifero della provincia di Cremona - Alice Ghiselli
Tutor: Prof. Bini, Prof. Zucali
Dissertation title: Interaction of geomorphology and tectonics in the evolution of the Orobic Alps (central Southern Alps) - Anna Elisabetta Maria Merlini
Tutor: Prof. Grieco, Prof. Tartarotti
Dissertation title: Chromitites in ophiolite complexes: genesis and alteration. - Paola Tamagnini
Tutor: Prof. Erba
Dissertation title: Characterisation of gemological materials by classical and modern analytical techniques - Alessia Salvo *
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: Relazioni di fase nel sistema Fe-Al-Si-O e sviluppo di nuovi sensori d’ossigeno - Monica Segata
Tutor: Prof. Poli
Dissertation title: Modellizzazione cinetica su base sperimentale della crescita cristallina nei sistemi peridotitici.