Current students

Hereinafter you can find the list of the current students. If you are looking for forms or other resources for current students, please have a look at this page.

Starting from the XXXV cycle, two different curriculum where included: “Earth System: Processes and Modelling” (icon ) and “Georesources” (icon ).

When the grant is partially funded by non-standard university funds, this is specified with following icons/acronyms:

XL cycle

  1. Matilde CERVELLIERI
    tutor: Lucia ANGIOLINI; co-tutor: Gaia CRIPPA
  2. Andrea CHIARI
    tutor: Gaia CRIPPA; co-tutor: Lucia ANGIOLINI
  3. Federica LUCINI
    tutor: Corrado Camera; co-tutor: Tiziana APUANI
  4. Antonio TAZZINI
    tutor: Giovanni GRIECO; co-tutor: Paolo LOTTI
  5. Hamza WAHEED
    tutor: Massimo TIEPOLO; co-tutor: Giovanni MUTTONI

XXXIX cycle

  1. Riccardo BONO  
    tutor: Monica DAPIAGGI; co-tutor: Andrea BERNASCONI
    title: Structural characterisation of iron oxide nanoparticles for environmental applications from the circular economy viewpoint.
    tutor: Marco MERLINI; co-tutor:Nicoletta MARINONI
    title: Toward a comprehensive mineralogical model of the mantle transition zone: insights on volatile-bearing systems relevant for deep subduction environments.
  3. Chiara Francesca CROTTI 
    tutor: Giulio BORGHINI; co-tutor: Patrizia FUMAGALLI
    title: Trace element partitioning during melt-peridotite interactions: an experimental study at 1-3 GPa
  4. Mara FANT  
    tutor: Elisabetta ERBA; co-tutor: Mariano PARENTE
    title: Geological case-histories of cean alkalization as a GREEN CO2 removal strategy.
  5. Valeria FEDELI  
    tutor: Anna Maria MAROTTA; co-tutor: Roberto SABADINI
    title: Integration between merical geophysical modeling and data of different types with the aim of clarifying the physics of tectonic processes in different geodynamic context. 
  6. Fabio MONGIOVI   DM118
    tutor: Dawid Adam IURINO; co-tutor: Cristiano DAL SASSO
    title: Conservation and digitization of the paleontological assets of the Museum of Natural History of Milano: analysis and highlighting of the fossil collections of Cenozoic mammals.
  7. Luca PIEPOLI   DM117
    tutor: Giovanni GRIECO; co-tutors: Prof. Giovanna DELLA PORTA, Prof. Nicoletta MARINONI
    title: Content and distribution of Critical Raw Materials in lime production mining sites: a depositological study of useful lithologies and processing wastes.
  8. Chiara Benedetta PILONI  
    tutor: Manuel RODA; co-tutors: Juan GOMEZ BARREIRO; Michele ZUCALI
    title: Multidisciplinary approach to investigate the tectono-metamorphic heterogeneity and Alpine evolution of the Sesia-Lanzo Zone
  9. Moreno PIZZUTTO  
    tutor: Fabrizio FELLETTI; co-tutor: Mattia MARINI
    title: Stratigraphic evolution of a turbidite channel-levee system from inception to deactivation: insights into intra- and extra-basinal controls (Tachrift Turbidite System, Taza-Guercif Basin, Tortonian, NE Morocco)


  1. Alessandro DE LEO
    tutor: Federico FARINA; co-tutor: Massimo TIEPOLO
    project title: Mechanism of formation of LCT pegmatites: the Eastern Brazilian Pegmatite Province.
  2. Stefano GALLI 352
    tutor: Gianluca FIANDACA; co-tutor: Mauro GIUDICI
    project title: LakEMaging – ElectroMagnetic imaging of Lake outflows.
  3. Sara MONICO
    tutor: Nicoletta MARINONI; G.Diego GATTA
    project title: Gem-quality microcristalline materials. Investigation of their color origin by conventional and advanced analytical methods.
  4. Andrea PEZZOTTA
    tutor: Andrea ZERBONI; Michele ZUCALI
    project title: Disentangling tectonic- and climate-driven processes in the evolution of Quaternary riverscapes. A fresh approach integrating field survey, remote sensing and geomorphometry into Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning.
  5. Stefano PICCIN
    tutor: Simone TUMIATI; Stefano ZANCHETTA
    project title: Fluid–rock and melt–rock interactions in high-pressure and high-temperature metamorphism: a focus on the Mt. Duria area (Central Alps).
  6. Francesco SCUDERI 352
    tutor: Francesco CECINATO; co-tutor: Tiziana APUANI
    project title: Experimental, theoretical and numerical analysis of thermoactive micropiles.
  7. Giulia TAGLIABUE
    tutor: Luca TROMBINO; co-tutor: Cristina CATTANEO
    project title: Soil Analysis in Forensic Taphonomy: Contributing to the Investigation of Clandestine Graves.

XXXVII cycle

  1. Giulia AMAGLIO
    tutor: Maria Rose PETRIZZO
    project title: Population dynamics and geochemistry of foraminifera to interpret the paleoceanographic changes across the Cenomanian-Turonian Oceanic Anoxic Event 2 at low and high latitudes.
    tutor: Fernando CAMARA ARTIGAS
    project title: The interplay between cation ordering and elasticity of omphacites to unravel PTt paths of metamorphic rocks.
  3. Fabiola CASO
    tutor: Michele ZUCALI
    project title: Influenza del gradiente di deformazione nel comportamento di elementi strategici (Li, REE) durante metamorfismo di HT e fusione: approccio integrato microstrutturale e geochimico.
  4. Francesco DAUTI pon
    tutor: Gianluca FIANDACA
    project title: IPRaMa: Induced Polarization for Raw Materials.
  5. Ilaria DE ROSA pon
    tutor: Tiziana APUANI
    project title: Resin injections treatment in contaminated soils.
  6. Marco GEROLA pon
    tutor: Francesco CECINATO
    project title: Experimental and numerical analysis of the behaviour of thermoactive sheet pile walls.
  7. Daniele INVERNIZZI
    tutor: Fabrizio FELLETTI
    project title: Multi-disciplinary approach to model clastic systems as outcrop analogue: the links between processes and architecture.
  8. Federica LANGONE
    tutor: Francesca FORNI; co-tutor: Federico FARINA
    project title: Evoluzione di grandi reservoir magmatici e genesi delle ignimbriti ad essi associate.
  9. Alice LUCCHELLI pon
    tutor: Daniele PEDRETTI; co-tutor: Gianluca FIANDACA
    project title: MountainHydro.
  10. Giulia MASSINELLI
    tutor: Prof. Nicoletta MARINONI; co-tutor: Diego G. GATTA
    project title: Quantitative evaluation of the consolidating effects induced by inorganic mineral treatments applied on porous carbonate stone surfaces.
  11. Giulia MORABITO
    tutor: Diego G. GATTA; co-tutor: Nicoletta MARINONI
    project title: Development of a new non-invasive archeometric approach to investigate decorated ceramics.
  12. Alessandro SIGNORA pon
    tutor: Gianluca FIANDACA; co-tutor: Alessandro COMUNIAN
    project title: HydrogeosITe.
  13. Marco VIARETTI
    tutor: Lucia ANGIOLINI
    project title: Biomineralizzazione e cambiamento globale: la risposta degli organismi alla glaciazione Gondwaniana e al successivo riscaldamento climatico.