In addition to its two key functions – scientific research and education – BIOMETRA promotes and carries out a Third Mission (TM ), that is to work to encourage the direct application, enhancement and use of knowledge to contribute to the social, cultural and economic development of society.
The TM activity carried out by BIOMETRA is closely linked to the specificities and areas disciplines of belonging of the related researchers and therefore very varied.
Department referent of TM is Prof. Laura Mauri.
The Department is committed to valorising the knowledge acquired through research, and has developed various forms of cooperation.
· Public Engagement: university knowledge made available to the non-academic subjects
· The Department actively participates in the “Meet me Tonight Researchers Night” event
· As part of scientific dissemination aimed at schools, the Department has implemented the project VIAGGIO AL CENTRO DELLA CELLULA. This has the aim of bringing primary school children closer to the world of the cells that make up the human body and conveying to them the role and importance that science has in everyday life, explaining some topics treated in science school curricula in an entertaining way (LA CELLULA – YouTube). Referents of the project are Dr. Nicoletta Loberto, Prof. Laura Mauri and Prof. Massimo Aureli.
· The department organizes a stage for high school students “Una settimana da bio” (referent Prof. Nicoletta Landsberger) in the context of Percorsi per le competenze trasversali e per l’orientamento (PCTO).
·The Department, through Prof. Daniela Lucini, coordinates the “Food & Health” table as part of the “Città Studi Campus Sostenibile” initiative, aimed at promoting the concept of health among university students. Stili di vita sostenibili per la salute degli studenti | La Statale News (unimi.it). Prof. Lucini i salso responsible for the medical contents of the HEBE project:
·Participation of BIOMETRA researcher in radio and television talks, podcast and authors of online popular science articles (La Prof.ssa Lucini con Obiettivo Salute su Radio 24 – HEBE (unimi.it , La fragilità delle ossa | Obiettivo Salute – Risveglio | Radio 24 (ilsole24ore.com), ) ,
· Service for company: As regards the transfer of knowledge, the Department has been involved with the productive world through various actions, including participation in
· spin-off companies (ProXentia, HEMERA)
· the stipulation of service contracts
· the activation of collaboration contracts with companies.
·The Department is headquarter of a Laboratory, headed by Prof. Paola Riva, accredited by the Regione Lombardia (SMeL, laboratory medicine service) called “Service for the diagnosis and study of genomic anomalies”, and of which Prof. Paola Riva is responsible
· Patents
· The staff of the Department participated as inventor in the drafting and filing of patent applications in the various areas of expertise.
· Vocational master’s programs and advanced courses: The Department endorses the University’s objective of providing continuous training tools by strengthening specialization initiatives.
· The Department organizes the specialization course “Corso di Perfezionamento di Citofluorimetria di ultima generazione”