Human models
The ability of human beings to survive in a complex environment is largely due to the remarkable development of their sensorimotor system, which constantly integrates the physical properties of the surrounding world with internal states, from the internal milieu to the psychological states. The integrity of this large-scale integrative process is crucial for the emergence of the human cognitive functions from which ultimately depend our adaptive behaviors. Within this framework, investigating the impact of brain tumor and other neurological diseases on these integrative processes has two-folds: understanding the human brain functional organization and developing evidence-based intraoperative tools and treatments for maintaining and restoring respectively, adaptive behaviors affected by brain tumor. The performance of these adaptive responses grounds on the parallel support of the autonomic nervous system assuring the homeostasis of the internal environment fed by the internal and external stimuli. The investigation of the sympathetic and parasympathetic interplay, based on the ECG signal analysis, correlated to cognitive and non-cognitive behaviors is crucial to understand the neurovegetative basis of wellness, metabolic disorders, exercise, aging.