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The ENCJ Strategic Objectives 2018-2021 & Workplan

In 2014, the ENCJ celebrated its 10th anniversary. At the General assembly in Rome, the 2014-2018 Strategic and Action plan was adopted. The plan stated that after 10 years of producing a number of important documents containing guidelines, standards and statements of best practices the time had come to focus on strengthening the position of the ENCJ and on improving the justice systems and the operation of Councils for the Judiciary.
The 2014-2018 Strategic and Action plan was implemented through annual work plans. It also served as a basis for the 2015-2017 Framework Partnership Agreement with the European Commission and an annual Operating Grant for these years.
Over the last few years the ENCJ has grown and now has 24 Members and 14 Observers covering 28 European member and most candidate member states. ENCJ has to date issued many important documents containing minimum standards, guidelines and recommendations which are of a distinguished standing in today’s European Justice System. The ENCJ has delivered groundbreaking work especially within the framework of the Independence and Accountability project.

Weaknesses and strengths of the individual justice systems have been mapped and
the views of judges on their own independence have been collected.

To strive to strengthen the Justice Systems in order to secure Access to Justice for all, the ENCJ had therefore to the future. Developments across Europe show that these are challenging times for the Justice Systems and the Judiciaries. The Rule of Law is at the
core of the European Union. It is one of the fundamental values upon which the EU is founded, together with democracy and fundamental rights. To uphold and preserve the rule of law is a responsibility for both the judiciary and other state powers. Respect for fair and impartial courts, as the key institutions of an independent judiciary is being challenged across Europe. More than ever the Judiciaries need to stand together to command respect for the role and position of the Judiciary. Councils for the Judiciary have a pivotal role in this regard. The ENCJ unites the Councils and is of vital importance to the further development of judiciaries in Europe.
At the same time ENCJ reiterates that judicial independence does not stand on its own. A Judiciary that claims independence but which refuses to be accountable to society will not enjoy the trust of society and will not achieve the independence for which it strives. Councils for the Judiciary or similar independent bodies, in order to maintain the rule of law, must do all they can to ensure the maintenance of an open and transparent system of justice.
This four-year plan will take the above mentioned into account and will assist the ENCJ to set out clear priorities and follow a more comprehensive approach in achieving its goals.

The European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (“ENCJ”) Strategic Objectives for 2018 – 2012

Updated: April 14, 2018 — 4:35 pm

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