Cases, Materials and News on European Civil Procedure

Call for applications for the 10th edition of the Council of Europe Prize “Crystal Scales of Justice” for innovative practices contributing to the efficiency and quality of justice – deadline 31 March 2019

Created in 2005, the “Crystal Scales of Justice” Prize is a competition aimed at discovering and highlighting innovative and efficient practices concerning the functioning of justice, judicial procedures or the organisation of courts.

These practices are conducted in European jurisdictions (for example, initiatives devised by a court president, a registry, a Bar). They are drawn to the attention of policy-makers and the judicial community so as to improve the functioning of the public justice system.

The aim of the prize is to identify and promote innovative practices regarding the conduct of proceedings, court organisation and the functioning of court systems in general. To be eligible for consideration, the practices nominated must have been implemented recently and they should be easily usable by other States or jurisdictions. Their efficiency must be measurable.

The 2019 competition is open to courts, Bar Associations, non-governmental organisations and any other bodies dealing with judicial affairs in a member State of the Council of Europe or an observer State to the CEPEJ*.

Applications must meet the eligibility criteria as specified in the Rules of the Prize, and be submitted to the Council of Europe, preferably electronically, by 31st March 2019.

Rules and application form

The Prize awarding ceremony will take place in Oslo (Norway) on 25 October 2019 in the framework of the European Day of Justice.


Updated: February 28, 2019 — 10:38 pm

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