Greta Coraglia joins the team BRIO

Greta Coraglia joins the project BRIO as a postdoc at the Philosophy Department of the University of Milan.

She graduated at the Università Statale di Milano and is about to obtain her PhD in Mathematics at the Università degli Studi di Genova. She is interested in logic, category theory, and theoretical computer science, with a focus on using categorical tools to describe diagrammatic aspects of various deductive systems.

Her interests also include logical foundations, categorical semantics, mathematical logic, deductive systems, and type theory.


European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic

University of Milan, Italy
5 June – 9 June 2023

Meeting website:


LOGIC COLLOQUIUM is the European Summer Meeting of the Association for Symbolic Logic (ASL) – – an international organization supporting research and critical studies in logic. LOGIC COLLOQUIUM is a venue for all researchers working in logic from computer science, mathematics, and philosophy.

Previous recent editions of LOGIC COLLOQUIUM have taken place in Reykjavik (Iceland) 2022, Poznań (Poland) 2021, Prague (Czech Republic) 2019, Udine (Italy) 2018, and Stockholm (Sweden) 2017.


Deadline for Abstract Submission and Student Travel Grants: 1st of March

Notifications of Abstract Acceptance: 3rd of April

Decision on Travel Grants: 5th of April

Deadline for Early Registration: 1st of May

Registration Closing: 15th of May

Start of the Conference: 5th of June

End of the Conference: 9th of June


The deadline for contributed talk submissions and for student travel grants applications is March 1, 2023.


Abstracts for contributed talks should conform to the Rules for Abstracts of the ASL, and should be submitted via EasyChair:

Online contributed talks will be facilitated in case of necessity, although we of course encourage you to come to Milan to meet the community.

Topics of interest include:

  • Set Theory
  • Proof Theory
  • Model Theory
  • Computability Theory
  • Philosophical Logic
  • Logic in Computer Science


To be considered for a travel award, please

  1. send a letter of application, and
  2. ask your thesis supervisor to send a brief recommendation letter.

Your application letter should be brief (preferably one page) and should include:

  1. your name;
  2. your home institution;
  3. your thesis supervisor’s name;
  4. a one-paragraph description of your studies and work in logic, and a paragraph indicating why
    it is important to attend the meeting;
  5. your estimate of the travel expenses you will incur;
  6. (for citizens or residents of the USA) citizenship or visa status; and
  7. (voluntary) indication of your gender and minority status. Women and members of minority groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

Travel grant applications are accepted from students and also from recent Ph.D. recipients, until the deadline of March 1, 2023, and ASL membership is not required.

Applications should be submitted via email to or to the ASL Business Office:

ASL, Dept. of Mathematics,
Univ. of Connecticut,
341 Mansfield Road,
U-1009, Storrs, CT 06269-1009, USA.

Decisions will be communicated at least two months prior to the meeting.


  • Gal Binyamini (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel)
  • Igor Carboni Oliveira (Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick, UK)
  • Johanna Franklin (Department of Mathematics, Hofstra University, USA)
  • Nicola Gambino (Department of Mathematics, University of Manchester, UK)
  • Gabriel Goldberg (Mathematics, UC Berkeley, USA)
  • Martino Lupini (Department of Mathematics, University of Bologna, Italy)
  • Francesca Poggiolesi (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS, Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Techniques, France)
  • Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans (Institut für Informatik, University Koblenz-Landau, Germany)
  • Zoltán Vidnyánszky (Institute of Mathematics, Eotvos University, Hungary)


  • Floris van Doorn (Mathematics Department, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Itay Kaplan (Einstein Institute of Mathematics, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel)


  • Model Theory (organized by J. Freitag and M. Hils)
  • Logic and Computation (organized by S. Buss and L. Kołodziejczyk)
  • Set Theory (organized by S. Müller and O. Ben-Neria)
  • Logic and Philosophy (organized by L. Crosilla and A. M. Klev)
  • Computability (organized by K. Lange and V. Brattka)
  • Applied Proof Theory (organized by T. Powell and B. Dinis)


Contributed papers will be selected from the received submissions by the following program committee:

  • Matthias Aschenbrenner (University of Wien)
  • Paola D’Aquino (Chair, Università della Campania “L. Vanvitelli”)
  • Jan Krajicek (Charles University, Prague)
  • Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (Munster University and Wroclaw University)
  • Paulo Oliva (Queen Mary University of London)
  • Arno Pauly (Swansea University)
  • Giuseppe Primiero (Università di Milano)
  • Philip Welch (Bristol University)


  • Stefano Aguzzoli (Computer Science, Università di Milano)
  • Marcello D’Agostino (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Camillo Fiorentini (Computer Science, Università di Milano)ˆ
  • Miriam Franchella (Historical Studies, Università di Milano)
  • Silvio Ghilardi (Mathematics, Università di Milano)
  • Hykel Hosni (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Lorenzo Luperi Baglini (Mathematics, Università di Milano)
  • Vincenzo Marra (Mathematics, Università di Milano)
  • Alberto Momigliano (Computer Science, Università di Milano)
  • Giuseppe Primiero (Philosophy, Università di Milano, Local Chair)
  • Ekaterina Kubyshkina (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Francesco Genco (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Francesca Doneda (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Chiara Manganini (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Costanza Larese (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Esther Corsi (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Giovanni Duca (Philosophy, Università di Milano)
  • Alberto Termine (Philosophy, Università di Milano)

Terzo incontro di Video Ergo Sum con Daniele Porello e Guido Laino

Video Ergo Sum: Tre incontri su cinema e conoscenza 

Terzo incontro, 23/04/2022

Daniele Porello e Guido Laino

Cinema e Intelligenza Artificiale

Palazzo delle Albere, nell’inedita veste di spazio cinematografico, apre le sue porte a un ciclo di tre incontri per rivedere e commentare insieme le scene di film celebri e meno noti, in un dialogo tra competenze e sensibilità diverse: quella filosofica e quella cinefila. Un confronto aperto e informale con docenti, registi e comunicatori su cinema, conoscenza, filosofia e bellezza. A dare il via alla rassegna sarà il presidente del MUSE Stefano Zecchi.

Prende ispirazione dalla formula cartesiana “Cogito ergo sum”, il nuovo cineforum a Palazzo delle Albere targato MUSE – Museo delle Scienze e Associazione il Funambolo, in collaborazione con Harpo e Trentino Film Commission. Si chiama “Video ergo sum” ed è un itinerario in tre tappe – mercoledì 30 marzo, martedì 5 e sabato 23 aprile 2022 – che indaga il rapporto tra l’essere umano e la conoscenza, servendosi del cinema come spunto e mezzo di comunicazione. La rassegna filmica, che viaggia in parallelo alla mostra “Il viaggio meraviglioso tra scienza e filosofia”, visitabile fino al 5 giugno 2022 al primo piano di Palazzo delle Albere, propone momenti d’incontro, accompagnati da un aperitivo informale e da alcune scene selezionate da film più e meno celebri, che alimentano il dialogo tra la cultura filosofica e quella cinefila. A curare la proposta, Guido Laino, regista, scrittore e anima di diversi festival culturali. L’ingresso, compreso di aperitivo/brunch, è di 5 euro con prenotazione obbligatoria su Ticketlandia.

Sabato 23 aprile alle 11 l’ultimo incontro: Daniele Porello, professore associato di Logica e Filosofia della Scienza all’Università di Genova, e Guido Laino, curatore della rassegna, analizzeranno spezzoni di film relativi al futuro e all’impatto dell’intelligenza artificiale sulla conoscenza virtualmente illimitata ma anche sul depotenziamento della centralità dell’essere umano. 

Evento realizzato dal MUSE in collaborazione con il Funambolo, Harpo e Trentino Film Commission.

Trentino Cultura Trentino Cultura

Video ergo sum

Publication of the BEWARE 2022 proceedings

The proceedings of the first workshop on Bias, Ethical AI, Explainability and the Role of Logic and Logic Programming (BEWARE 2022) have been published. The workshop was held in Udine (Italy) the 2nd of December 2022 and co-located with the 21st International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2022). The proceedings feature contributions by Francesca Alessandra Lisi, Giuseppe Primiero, Fabio Aurelio D’Asaro, Melissa Antonelli, Xinghan Liu, Emiliano Lorini, Mattia Petrolo, Ekaterina Kubyshkina, Alessandro Castelnovo, Riccardo Crupi, Nicole Inverardi, Daniele Regoli, Andrea Cosentini, Serge Dolgikh, Daniele Fossemò, Filippo Mignosi, Luca Raggioli, Matteo Spezialetti, Andrea Apicella, Francesco Isgrò, Roberto Prevete, Muhammad Suffian, Alessandro Bogliolo, Alexander Berman, Ellen Breitholtz, Christine Howes, Jean-Philippe Bernardy, Aleks Knoks, Thomas Raleigh, Silvana Badaloni, and Antonio Rodà.