Giuseppe Primiero and Davide Posillipo speaking at Federmanager Milano, 15/11/2023, 14:30, Milano, Italy (online)

Giuseppe Primiero and Davide Posillipo will speak at the “199° incontro del gruppo Progetto Innovazione” of Federmanager Milano about the BRIOxAlkemy system for the detection of bias in AI models. The topic of the online meeting will be “Applicazioni di intelligenza artificiale” (Applications of AI) and it will take place on 15 November 2023, from 14:30 until 17:00.

For more information please click here.

Francesca Doneda speaking at the conference Reasoning with Imperfect Information in Social Settings, Thursday 26 October 2023, 17:30–18:15, Pisa, Italy

Francesca Doneda will give a talk with title “A many-valued system for assessing trust in information contents under uncertainty” at the conference Reasoning with Imperfect Information in Social Settings. The talk is based on a joint work with Giuseppe Primiero and Francesco A. Genco and will take place on Thursday 26 October at 17:30–18:15. The conference will take place in Pisa, Italy, at Scuola Normale Superiore from October 26 until October 28, 2023.

Emanuele Bottazzi speaking at the cultural association “La corte dei Miracoli”, Milan, 2, 9, 16 May 2023

Emanuele Bottazzi gave a cycle of dissemination talks titled “Anarchia Artificiale, Osservazioni filosofiche sul ruolo dell’AI” at the cultural association “La corte dei Miracoli” in Milan. The cycle consisted of the following three talks:

  • Filosofia del Peggio, 02/05/2023, 19:00
  • Idolatria e Artefatti, 09/05/2023, 19:00
  • Sovrana Catastrofe 16/05/2023, 19:00

Emanuele Bottazzi speaking at the XXIX conference of the Sociedad C.L. de Filosofía “LA FILOSOFÍA ANTE LOS RETOS DEL FUTURO”, 25–27 October 2023, Universidad de Salamanca

Emanuele Bottazzi will give a talk titled “State as a Risk in the Worst to Come. Towards Artificial Anarchy?” at the XXIX conference of the Sociedad C.L. de Filosofía “LA FILOSOFÍA ANTE LOS RETOS DEL FUTURO”. The talk will also concern the connections between AI, risk and sociotechnical systems considered from the perspective of social ontology. The congress will take place at the Campus Unamuno of the Universidad de Salamanca on the 25–27 October 2023.

Emanuele Bottazzi at the 20 years of Nazione Indiana, 21 October, Milan, Italy

Emanuele Bottazzi will participate, with a talk titled “Adversarial Writing”, to the debate “Dall’ispirazione alla sostituzione: la scrittura letteraria di fronte all’IA”, which will take place on October 21 at 17–18:30 in the context of the 20th anniversary of the literary journal Nazione Indiana. The talk will also discuss Large Language Models from a Wittgensteinian perspective and the anthropomorphic biases that they introduce.

Mattia Petrolo speaking at the Seminar of Philosophy of Science of the CFCUL, Lisbon, Portugal, 5 December 2023

Mattia Petrolo is giving a talk with the title “An epistemic route to AI” at the Permanent Seminar of Philosophy of Sciences of the Centre for Philosophy of Sciences of the University of Lisbon to be held in Lisbon (both in presence and on Zoom) on December 5th.