New Postdocs

Francesco Genco is the new Postdoc of the BRIO Project associated with the the Logic, Uncertainty, Computation and Information Group at the Università Statale di Milano. He graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna (Italy) and obtained a PhD degree in Theoretical Computer Science at TU Wien (Vienna, Austria). He held a three year postdoctoral position at IHPST, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and CNRS (Paris, France). His research mainly concerns the development of proof-theoretical methods and their application in philosophy and theoretical computer science. He worked, in particular, on the proof-theory of non-classical logics, on the development of computational interpretations for constructive and semi-constructive logics, and on explanatory reasoning in logic and mathematics.

Giacomo Zanotti is the new postdoctoral researcher of the BRIO Project associated with the Unit at the Politecnico di Milano. He obtained his PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience and Philosophy of Mind at the University School for Advanced Studies IUSS Pavia (Italy). Within the BRIO project, he investigates the epistemic grounds and the normative aspects of the notion of Trustworthy AI.

Roberta Ferrario and Daniele Porello on Truth in Supervised ML

On September 29th, Roberta Ferrario (CNR Trento) and Daniele Porello (UNIGE) have presented recent joint work at the Mid-Term Conference of the Italian Society for Analytic Philosophy (SIFA) with a talk titled “On the Notion of Truth in Supervised Machine Learning Applications”. The full programme is available at

Giuseppe Primiero on Bias in AI

Giuseppe Primiero delivered a tutorial to students at ETH Zurich on “Bias in AI (and some ways to deal with it).

The tutorial followed a lecture on “COmputing in Perspective” in the series “Images of Computing”

Roberta Ferrario on Measurement

Roberta Ferrario presents joint work with Claudio Masolo & Chiara Bassetti on “Qualitative social research and measurement” at the Measurement at the Crossroad Conference, Università Cattolica, Milano, 29/06-01/07