

Enabling TECHNOlogies-driven chemistry: a tailored TRAINing research program for batch and flow synthesis of chiral amino derivatives

Technotrain is a new project coordinated by Prof. Maurizio Benaglia and supported by European Union as a part of the Marie Sklodowska-Curie innovative training network (ITN).
Aim of Technotrain is the training of a group of young European chemists, through a doctorate program, that can merge the needs of modern industrial applications with an accurate academic expertise. In the context of Technotrain, the Benaglia group, in collaboration with a German "high tech" company and with three other European research centers, will develop innovative and sustainable methods for the synthesis of chiral amino acids (in particular non-natural) and of other active ingredients of pharmaceutical interest applicable to industrial scale.
The combination of enabling technologies with low environmental impact, such as the use of a 3D printing approach for the realization of new devices, and other modern strategies such as photocatalysis, continuous flow processes, metal-free catalysis, represents a fundamental step towards the development of a more efficient green chemistry.

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Prof. LauraMaria Raimondi

(Computational studies)

Prof. Alessandra Puglisi

(Flow chemistry and Supported catalysts)
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Prof. Sergio Rossi

(Flow chemistry and 3D printing)

Benaglia group