PhD student profile, Matteo Callegari

PhD Student: Matteo Callegari


Tutor: Elena Sara Crotti – Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS)

Dean: Francesco Bonomi

Research area: Agri-Environment

PhD title achieved on: 21st December 2017


Research topic

Plant, insect and soil microbiome: characterization and biotechnological exploitation (Prof. Borin, Dr. Crotti, Prof. Daffonchio; added on 2015)


Project Synopsis

The aim of my PhD project is to characterize the microbial community associated to the gastrointestinal tract of beneficial insects such as black soldier flies (Hermetia illucens) and honeybees (Apis mellifera). These insects play an important role in food chain: black soldier flies can be exploited for the disposal of food waste converting it into high protein and energy feed for livestock, while honeybees provide the important ecological service of pollination for many crops. An increasing number of studies has indeed highlighted the importance of gut microbiota for the host biology and physiology. In the perspective of a microbial resource management strategy, the project aims to investigate the symbionts’ contribution to the insect physiology, development and health protection.


Project keywords

environmental microbiology, insect symbiont



DeFENS, via Mangiagalli 25, 3rd floor; tel. 02 503 19115;



– Sara Savoldelli, University of Milan – Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Italy.

– Alberto Alma, University of Turin – Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari (DISAFA), Italy.

– Ameur Cherif, Université de la Manouba, Manouba, Tunisia.

– Raffaella Di Cagno, University of Bari Aldo Moro – Dipartimento di Scienze del suolo, della pianta e degli alimenti (Di.S.S.P.A.), Italy.



Fellowship sponsor: Università degli Studi di Milano



Peer reviewed:

Vacchini V., Gonella E., Crotti E., Prosdocimi E.M., Mazzetto F., Chouaia B., Callegari M., Mapelli M., Mandrioli M., Alma M., Daffonchio D. Bacterial diversity shift determined by different diets in the gut of the spotted wing fly Drosophila suzukii is primarily reflected on acetic acid bacteria. Environmental Microbiology Reports. 9:91-103

Partecipation at International and National conferences with an oral presentation:

Callegari M., Marasco R., Jucker C., Mapelli F., Fusi M., Borin S., Daffonchio D., Savoldelli S., Crotti E.: Developmental stage and diet drive the bacterial community diversity in the food-waste reducing insect Hermetia illucens. Microbial Diversity 2017, Bari (Italy), October 24-26, 2017.

Callegari M., Marasco R., Jucker C., Mapelli F., Fusi M., Borin S., Daffonchio D., Savoldelli S., Crotti E.: The bacterial community of the food-waste reducing insect Hermetia illucens (L.) is shaped by diet and developmental stage. BioMicroWorld2017 Conference, Madrid (Spain), October 18-20, 2017.

Partecipation at International and National conferences with extended abstract:

Callegari M., Marasco R., Jucker C., Mapelli F., Fusi M., Borin S., Daffonchio D., Savoldelli S., Crotti E. Developmental stage and diet drive the bacterial community diversity in the food-waste reducing insect Hermetia illucens. Microbial Diversity 2017. Bari (Italy), October 24-26, 2017. Extended Abstract.

Partecipation at International and National conferences with poster:

Callegari M., Fusi M., Marasco R., Gonella E., Borin S., Tsiamis G., Alma A., Crotti E., and Daffonchio D. Bacterial communities in the gut compartments of the honeybee Apis mellifera are exposed to different pH and oxygen concentrations. Microbial Diversity 2017. Bari (Italy), October 24-26, 2017.

Crotti E., Vacchini V., Gonella E., Prosdocimi E.M., Mazzetto F., Chouaia B., Callegari M., Mapelli F., Mandrioli M., Alma A., Daffonchio D. Bacterial diversity shift determined by different diets in the gut of spotted wing fly Drosophila suzukii is primarily reflected on acetic acid bacteria. FEMS 2017. Valencia (Spain). July 9-13 2017.

Callegari M., Jucker C., Prosdocimi E.M., Leonardi M.G., Daffonchio D., Colombo M., Mapelli F., Borin S., Savoldelli S., Crotti E. Characterization of the bacterial community associated to the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens. Proceedings of XXI Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology. Portici (NA) September 14th-16th, 2016. Poster.

Callegari M., Jucker C., Prosdocimi E.M., Leonardi M.G., Daffonchio D., Colombo M., Mapelli F., Borin S., Savoldelli S., Crotti E. Bacterial community stucture and variation in the food waste-reducing insect Hermetia illucens. XXV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, CNIE 2016. Padova (Italia) 20-24 Giugno 2016. Poster.

Savoldelli S., Jucker C., Leonardi M.G., Palamara Mesiano M., Callegari M., Crotti E. Influenza di microrganismi benefici sullo sviluppo di Hermetia illucens. XXV Congresso Nazionale Italiano di Entomologia, CNIE 2016. Padova (Italia) 20-24 Giugno 2016. Poster.

Callegari M., Jucker C., Prosdocimi E.M., Leonardi M.G., Daffonchio D., Colombo M., Mapelli F., Borin S., Savoldelli S., Crotti E. The gut bacterial community associated to the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens. Proceeding of the 3rd International Conference of Microbial Diversity 2015: the challenge of complexity. Eds: Cardinali G., Corte L., Roscini L., Casella S., Cocolin L., Nerviani E., pag 264-265. Perugia (Italy) 27-29 October 2015. Poster.

Crotti E., Hamdi C., Sansonno L., Balloi A., Gonella E., Chouaia B., Callegari M., Tsiamis G., Mandrioli M., Fusi M., Prosdocimi E., Boudabous A., Bourtzis K., Alma A., Cherif A., Daffonchio D. Honeybee symbionts protect their host from American Foulbrood disease. Proceeding of the 3th Symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology, BAGECO 13. The microbial continuity across changing ecosystems, pag 197. Milan (Italy) 14-18 June 2015. Poster.



Winner of “PROSPERITATI PVBLICAE AVGENDAE” 2015 edition from Accademia dei Georgofili – European prize for a master’s thesis on a topic related to agriculture and related sectors.



Visiting Ph.D. Student at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia 02/2017 – 03/2017.


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