
The courses organized in the frame of the PhD programme in Food Systems are listed below and each one will be proposed once every three years. For specific info contact the specific course teacher.

Once the new edition of each course will be activated, the teaching material and other info of the specific courses will be updated in the ARIEL site icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569 of the PhD programme in Food Systems. The access to the ARIEL site is restricted to the students and teachers of the PhD programme in Food Systems.

The full list of the University training activities (Transferable skills – soft skills) is listed here. Other compulsory courses (“Cross disciplinary activities”) will be centrally organized by the University. They can be found here.


Expected Short Lectures for 2024.


Expected courses for 2024-2025):

– English writing and communication in food, health, environmental and nutritional sectors (28 hours). Planned for January 2025. Mandatory for students attending the first year.

– Exploiting innovative food formulations to increase food systems sustainability (20 hours). Planned for November-December 2024, mandatory for students attending the second year.

– Regulatory and legislative framework for novel foods (42 hours). Planned for October 2024, mandatory for students attending the third year.

– Innovative approaches for the characterizazation and activity assays of phytochemicals and their in vivo metabolites (15 hours). Planned for March 2025.

– ABC of Video communication of science: filming methods to learn the method (20 hours). Planned for January 2025.

– Solving the Human Microbiota Puzzle: Theory, Practice, and Statistical Analysis (15 hours). Planned for February 2025.


Exploiting innovative food formulations to increase food systems sustainability

Coordinator: Prof. Monica Laureati

Teachers: Daniela Martini, Paolo D’Incecco, Alessandra Marti, Dimitrios Fessas, Alberto Barbiroli, Stefania Iametti, Stefano Renzetti Wageningen University, Sara Limbo, Martina Letizia Contente, Andrea Kunova, Daniela Bulgari, Monica Laureati

The course (20 h, frontal lessons) aims to provide the knowledge to understand the nutritional, sensory, technological, safety and sustainability aspects involved in the reformulation of food products from an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective. The course will introduce the concept of a healthy diet, analyzing the critical factors of food systems that influence their sustainability. Furthermore, the course will allow the acquisition of knowledge about the macromolecular organization of foods, as well as the technological aspects for food design and development also considering agri-food waste that is inevitably generated in the entire production process. Particular attention will also be paid to the criteria and methods for evaluating the safety and sustainability of chemical substances and materials that enter, directly and indirectly, the food supply chain and to aspects linked to consumer perception and the strategies to optimize the sensory quality of reformulated products.

Participation is compulsory for students enrolled to the second year.

Lessons will be face to face and the course will be held on the following dates:

Monday, 25 November 2024

Classroom C01, Colombo M

13.30 – 16.30, M. Laureati, D. Martini
Presentation of the course and introduction to food reformulation / From concept to needs of sustainable healthy diet and food system: challenges and opportunities


Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Classroom C03, Colombo M

10.30 – 12.30, S. Renzetti
Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design

13.30 – 15.30, S. Renzetti
Holistic formulation design: uncoupling texture from composition for unlocking the potential of healthy and sustainable ingredients


Monday, 16 December 2024

Classroom 14 – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Building V8

11.30 – 12.30, D. Fessas
Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design: the Thermal Analysis approach

13.30 – 16.30, S. Iametti, A. Barbiroli
Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design: spectroscopic techniques to address structural and functional features of food biomolecules


Tuesday, 17 December 2024

Classroom C01, Colombo M

14.30 – 17.30, A. Marti, P. D’Incecco
Relevance of processing to food formulation and design


Thursday, 19 December 2024

Classroom M01 – Via Mangiagalli 31

10.30-12.30, S. Limbo
A Safe and Sustainable by Design Approach to Support Waste Valorization in Food Packaging Innovation


Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Classroom C22– Faculty of Agricultural Science, Building 6

10.30 – 12.30, M. Contente, D. Bulgari, A. Kunova
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses

13.30 – 15.30, M. Contente, D. Bulgari, A. Kunova
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses


Tuesday, 28 January 2025

Classroom C05, Colombo M

13.30 – 15.30, M. Laureati
Consumer perception and strategies for optimizing the sensory quality of reformulated products




Exploiting innovative food formulations to increase food systems sustainability

Coordinator: Prof. Monica Laureati

Teachers: Daniela Martini, Paolo D’Incecco, Alessandra Marti, Dimitrios Fessas, Alberto Barbiroli, Stefania Iametti, Stefano Renzetti Wageningen University, Sara Limbo, Martina Letizia Contente, Andrea Kunova, Daniela Bulgari, Monica Laureati

The course (20 h, frontal lessons) aims to provide the knowledge to understand the nutritional, sensory, technological, safety and sustainability aspects involved in the reformulation of food products from an interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective. The course will introduce the concept of a healthy diet, analyzing the critical factors of food systems that influence their sustainability. Furthermore, the course will allow the acquisition of knowledge about the macromolecular organization of foods, as well as the technological aspects for food design and development also considering agri-food waste that is inevitably generated in the entire production process. Particular attention will also be paid to the criteria and methods for evaluating the safety and sustainability of chemical substances and materials that enter, directly and indirectly, the food supply chain and to aspects linked to consumer perception and the strategies to optimize the sensory quality of reformulated products.

Participation is compulsory for students enrolled to the second year (starting from cycle 38° onwards).

Lessons will be face to face and the course will be held on the following dates:


Classroom C12, Via Mangiagalli 25

14.00 – 14.30, M. Laureati
Presentation of the course and introduction to food reformulation

14.30 – 16.30, D. Martini
From concept to needs  of sustainable healthy diet and food system: challenges and opportunities


Classroom 4, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Building V8

10.30 – 12.30, S. Renzetti
Relevance of food structuring and macromolecular organization to food formulation and design


Classroom C11, Via Mangiagalli 25

13.30 – 15.30, S. Renzetti
Holistic formulation design: uncoupling texture from composition for unlocking the potential of healthy and sustainable ingredients


Classroom C12, Via Mangiagalli 25

9.30 – 12.30, S. Iametti, A. Barbiroli
Relevance of food molecules and of macromolecular features to food structure, formulation, and design

14.00 – 15.00, D. Fessas


C24 – Agraria Edificio 5

14.30 – 17.30, A. Marti, P. D’Incecco
Relevance of processing to food formulation and design


C05 – Colombo M

13.30 – 17.00, M. Contente, D. Bulgari, A. Kunova
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses


Classroom 9 – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Building V4

11.00 – 12.30, S. Limbo
Valorization of molecules and macromolecules from agrifood waste and by-products through sustainable extraction techniques and bioprocesses

14.00 – 15.30, M. Laureati
Consumer perception and strategies for optimizing the sensory quality of reformulated products



Methodological approaches and issues to the study of health-related impact of foods and their components: from grading of evidence to the substantiation of functional effects

Coordinators: Prof. Daniela Martini ( and Prof. Cristian Del Bo’ (

The objectives of this course (15 h, 3 CFU) are to provide advanced knowledge about the different methodological approaches used to study the effect of diet, foods and food-components on human health. In particular, the course enables students to understand the importance of preclinical and clinical study support; regulatory aspects of functional foods; methodology for preparing and evaluating an application for authorization of a health claim and requirements for standards of evidence of efficacy for health claims. The course is based on a learning-by-doing approach, thus alternating lectures to practical sessions.

Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.

Lessons will be face to face and the course will be held on the following dates:

-November 22, (Room 3; Agraria Building 9) from 2.30 till 5.30 pm: FRONTAL LESSON

-November 28, (Room C22; Agraria Building 6) from 2.30 till 5.30 pm: FRONTAL LESSON

-November 30, (Room C04; Mangiagalli 25) from 2.30 till 5.30 pm: FRONTAL LESSON + WORKING GROUP

-December 13, (Room 3; Agraria Building 9) from 2.30 till 5.30 pm: WORKING GROUP

-December 16, (Room 3; Agraria Building 9) from 2.30 till 5.30 pm: WORKING GROUP AND PRESENTATION


Microbial Food Biotechnology

Coordinator: Prof. Stefania Arioli

The course on Microbial Food Biotechnology brings together the recent advances and the unsolved problem related to the use of microorganisms in the food sector. Most the lecturers have a microbiological background, some of them have a biochemical background. This means that the same aspects will be presented under a different point of view, and this should stimulate “you” to have always a wide perspective when analyzing a scientific argument. 15h / 3 CFU.

Lecturers: Stefania Arioli (University of Milan, DeFENS); Stefano Colombo (Actial Farmaceutica Srl); Diego Mora (University of Milan, DeFENS); Pasquale Russo (University of Milan, DeFENS).


Day 1 – Feb. 6th – meeting room 5th floor via Mangiagalli 25

09:00 – 09:15          Outline of the course and introduction of participants

09:15 – 12:00          Microbial bioenergetics: primary metabolism and its regulation

Diego Mora


Day 2 – Feb. 8th– meeting room 5th floor via Mangiagalli 25

10:00 – 13:00          Riboflavin (vitamin B2) production in Lactic Acid Bacteria: Applications and opportunities in the field of functional foods

Pasquale Russo


Day 3 – Feb. 10th – meeting room 5th floor via Mangiagalli 25

10:00 – 13:00          Probiotics: from research to the market

Stefano Colombo


Day 4 – Feb. 13th– meeting room 5th floor via Mangiagalli 25

10:00 – 13:00           Single cell analysis in microbial food biotechnology

Stefania Arioli


Day 5 – Feb. 15th – meeting room 5th floor via Mangiagalli 25

10:00 – 13:00           Critical review of two high rank published paper on

Diego Mora


For details visit the ARIEL linkicona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


Insects vs. Humans: the fil rouge of odours perception

Coordinator: Prof. Daniela Lupi

The purpose of this course (10 h / 2 CFU) is to provide students with the skills necessary to know the basics of perception of insect odours. The main objectives consist in understanding the modalities of perception of odorous substances through the comparation of  human-insect perception that permeates the topic. The course will have as its ultimate objective the knowledge of the biological and interpretative mechanisms of control strategies through the manipulation of odours.


8 February 14.00-16.00 (2h) Aula 2 building 21030

9 February  14.00-16.00 (3h) Aula 2 building 21030

13 February 14.00 -17.00 (3h) Aula 2 building 21030

21 February 14.00 -16.00 (2h) Aula 2 building 21030


Students unable to attend the in-person course will be able to access teams (visit ARIEL site through the link below)

For details visit the ARIEL linkicona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


ABC of videocommunication in science: filming methods to learn the method

Coordinator: Prof. Matias Pasquali

The course (15 h, 3 ECTS) illustrates the potentialities of scientific method communication using video as preferential format. The course will guide the student towards the production of his own video detailing a scientific methodology/protocol.

The course is divided in 3 parts. The first session will provide the students with a theoretical framework of video communication of scientific methods and protocols. Moreover, tools available for filming and editing will be presented.

During the second session individual work of the students will be monitored via personal scheduled meetings in order to guide the planning, development and production of a video method dealing with scientific procedure in use by the PhD student.

The last session will be dedicated to the presentation of the videos by each student and to their analysis. Opportunity for publishing the methods will be also explored.

A maximum of 12 students can participate each year in order to allow all the participating students to be guided along the video production process.

Prerequisite for the participation is to know and use a method/protocol that will be the topic of the video.

The course will be held on the following dates:

1) The first session will be held the 13th of February 2023 (from 9 to 13.30, room will be communicated to students directly).

2) The second session will be scheduled individually with each student in the period February 2023/ April 2023.

3) The third session will be held the 4th of May 2023 (from 9 to 13.30,  room will be communicated to students directly)

Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.

For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


Advanced methods in the characterization of macromolecules in food systems

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Barbiroli

The student will acquire notions on the principles, applicability and potential of advanced spectroscopic and calorimetric methodologies, applied to agri-food systems.

15h / 3CFU

The course “Advanced methods in the characterization of macromolecules in food systems” will introduce students to the principles and applications of advanced spectroscopic (fluorescence, circular dichroism, NMR) and calorimetric techniques. These approaches allow to understand what happens to “molecules” when raw materials are turned into foods, and this information may be relevant for the set-up of new formulations and processes aimed to produce healthy and sustainable products. The difficulties associated with the application of these techniques to food systems, as well as their potential, will be discussed.

The course is organized in theoretical lessons and practical activities, as reported in the accompanying schedule.



14/2/23, Tuesday

9:30-11:30       (aula di Biochimica)   F. Bonomi        Introduction, aims, overview

11:30-13:30     (aula di Biochimica)   S. Iametti        Fluorescence & fluorescent probes


15/2/23, Wednesday

10:30-12:30     (aula di Biochimica)   A. Barbiroli     Chiral spectroscopy

14:00-17:00     (Lab.)                    FB, SI, AB         Lab activities: intrinsic fluorescence, solid-state fluorescence, chiral spectroscopy


16/2/23, Thursday

10:30-12:30     (aula di Biochimica)   D. Fessas         Calorimetry and thermal analysis

12:30-13:30     (Lab.)                       D. Fessas         Lab. demos


21/2/23, Tuesday

10:30-13:30     (aula di Biochimica)   S. Mazzini        NMR (theory and lab. demos)


For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


Sustainability concepts in food technology – methodological approaches and case studies

Coordinator: Prof. Vera Lavelli (

The food industry is of primary importance to several national economies around the world, thus being urged to address the impelling need for a sustainable production system. The course aims to illustrate sustainability issues in food technology with a holistic approach, focusing on three complementary strategies towards sustainability: emerging food technologies, new packaging systems and tools to assess consumer attitude towards sustainable innovation. These themes will be covered by frontal lessons and a sensory & consumer science lab session, based on the case studies derived from the research projects conducted by the lecturers over the last few years. The ultimate goal is to support the PhD students that aspire to advance knowledge and applications in the perspective of sustainable food processing.

Participation to 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (4 CFU). Lessons will take place in presence. Distance attendance will also be possible through the Microsoft Team platform. Details about the rooms for lessons and the link to the class will be given to the registered students.

Lab session will take place in presence only, at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. via L. Mangiagalli 25, Milan IV floor (meeting point) and in the nearby laboratories of Sensory & Consumer Science and Food Technology.

Interested students will receive instructions to join the classes.


February 22nd 2023

9.00 – 10.00 Sustainability from the consumer perspective: Preliminary concepts. Prof. Ella Pagliarini

10.00– 11.30 Strategies to foster healthy and sustainable eating in children. Prof. Monica Laureati

11.30 – 13.00 Strategies to tackle overweight and obesity in adults. Dott. Cristina Proserpio


14.00 – 16.00 Sensory & consumer science lab session. Prof. Ella Pagliarini, Prof. Monica Laureati, Dott. Cristina Proserpio

February 27rd 2023

8.30 – 10.30 Nanotechnology approaches in the food industry – A feasible strategy towards sustainability. Prof. Stefano Farris

10.30 – 12.30 Circular food supply chains Prof. Vera Lavelli

February 28th 2023

8.30 – 10.30 Sustainable wine production chain: known and emerging challenges. Prof. Daniela Fracassetti


10.30 – 12.30 (provisional time) Sustainability: A Company’s perspective. (lecture from a Food Company manager)


13-30 – 15.30 Sustainability along the grain value chain. Prof. Alessandra Marti


15.30 – 17.30 Sustainable packaging for sustainable food: the key factors of a circular economy. Prof. Sara Limbo

For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569



Sustainability concepts in food technology – methodological approaches and case studies

Coordinator: Prof. Vera Lavelli

The food industry is of primary importance to several national economies around the world, thus being urged to address the impelling need for a sustainable production system. The course aims to illustrate sustainability issues in food technology with a holistic approach, focusing on three complementary strategies towards sustainability: emerging food technologies, new packaging systems and tools to assess consumer attitude towards sustainable innovation. These themes will be covered by frontal lessons and a sensory & consumer science lab session, based on the case studies derived from the research projects conducted by the lecturers over the last few years. The ultimate goal is to support the PhD students that aspire to advance knowledge and applications in the perspective of sustainable food processing.

Participation to 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (4 CFU). Lessons will take place online, through the Microsoft Team platform. Lab session will take place at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. via L. Mangiagalli 25, Milan IV floor (meeting point) and in the nearby laboratories of Sensory & Consumer Science and Food Technology.

Interested students are kindly invited to register by sending a mail to They will receive instructions to join the classes.

The course will be held in February 2022



ABC of videocommunication in science: filming methods to learn the method

Coordinator: Prof. Matias Pasquali

The course (15 h, 3 ECTS) illustrates the potentialities of scientific method communication using video as preferential format. The course will guide the student towards the production of his own video detailing a scientific methodology/protocol.

The course is divided in 3 parts. The first session will provide the students with a theoretical framework of video communication of scientific methods and protocols. Moreover, tools available for filming and editing will be presented.

During the second session individual work of the students will be monitored via personal scheduled meetings in order to guide the planning, development and production of a video method dealing with scientific procedure in use by the PhD student.

The last session will be dedicated to the presentation of the videos by each student and to their analysis. Opportunity for publishing the methods will be also explored.

A maximum of 12 students can participate each year in order to allow all the participating students to be guided along the video production process.

Prerequisite for the participation is to know and use a method/protocol that will be the topic of the video.

The course will be held on the following dates:

1) The first session will be held the 15th of February 2022 (from 9 to 13.30 in room C06, via Mangiagalli 25).

2) The second session will be scheduled individually with each student in the period February 2022/ April 2022.

3) The third session will be held the 28th of April 2022 (from 9 to 13.30 in room C06, via Mangiagalli 25)

Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.


Environmental microbiomes: from microbial ecology to ecosystem services

Coordinator: Prof. Sara Borin

Topic of the course are the microbial communities -the microbiomes- thriving in natural and anthropized environments. The course will firstly introduce the principles of their selection, assembly and dynamics. A lesson will also focus on environmental genomics and metataxonimics for microbiome investigation. The following lessons will focus each on the microbiome of a specific environment and its exploitation. The environmental microbiomes will be indeed presented in this course in the frame of the development of environmental biotechnologies, seen as the engineering of microbial communities to obtain an ecosystem service: bioremediation, control of insect pests and pathogens transmitted by insects, plant growth promotion, sessile growth promotion and inhibition.

The course consistency is 20 hours, comprising 6 lessons given by scientists having consolidated research experience in the specific topic.

Lesson timetable will be as following:

Microbial ecology and systems microbiology: theories and methodologies (Sara Borin); January, Thursday 20 (14-17; room TBD)

Metataxonomics and metagenomics at the forefront of environmental microbiome studies (Sarah Zecchin); January, Thursday 27 (14-17; room TBD)

Environmental microbiomes for bioremediation (Lucia Cavalca); February, Thursday 3 (14-17; room TBD)

Plant microbiome for sustainable agriculture (Francesca Mapelli); February, Thursday 10 (14-18; room TBD)

Insect microbiome and symbiotic control (Elena Crotti); February, Thursday 17 (14-18; room TBD)

Microbiomes of biofilms in natural and artificial environments (Federica Villa); February, Thursday 24 (14-17; room TBD)

For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


E-sensing technologies and chemometrics

Coordinator: Prof. Cristina Alamprese

The course intends to provide students with knowledge about basic principles, common applications, and potential of e-sensing technologies, with particular focus on the agro-food sector. Moreover, the students will acquire a critical approach useful for the selection of the basic chemometric methods most suitable for the elaboration of their experimental data. The course is based on a learn-by-doing approach, thus alternating lectures to practical sessions.

Scientific background and basic knowledge in univariate statistics are required.

The programme and schedule of the course can be found here.

Participation to 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (5 CFU). Lectures and practices will take place in presence. Details about the rooms will be given to the registered students as soon as possible.


The methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the food chain

Coordinator: Prof. Riccardo Guidetti (

The course introduces PhD students in some calculation approaches related to the environmental sustainability of the agri-food sector.

The course will take 20 hrs and will be divided in 3 parts.

The first part is an introduction to sustainability and the engineering parameters for energy and water assessment used in agro-food industries.

The second one is the evaluation of the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) providing methodological tools inspired to the ISO 14040 (Principles and framework) and ISO 14044 (Requirements and guidelines)

The third part is based on the analysis of some software for LCA evaluation and some application cases taken from the experience of researchers involved in the course.

The course will be held the following dates:

1) The first session will be held the 2th of February (from 13.30 to 18.30).

2) The provisional (to be confirmed) other dates are:  9th of February (from 13.30 to 18.30), 16th of February (from 13.30 to 18.30), 23th of February (from 9 to 13), 2th of March (13.30 to 18.30).

 Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.

The mode of delivery of lessons (in person or remotely) will be communicated based on the indications of the University and the evolution of the pandemic situation.

For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


The Industry 4.0 for the agro-food System

Coordinator: Prof. Riccardo Guidetti

Define the basic principles of the industrial revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) with particular regard to applications in the agri-food sector. Enabling technologies: characteristics, potential for the agro-industrial system. Principles of. Application cases: projects and research

The course introduces PhD students in the basic principles of the industrial revolution 4.0 (Industry 4.0) with regard to applications in the agri-food System.

The course will take 15 hrs and will be divided in 3 parts.

The first part is an introduction to the principals of the industrial revolution 4.0 and to the theory of the signal processing and measurement instrumentation

The second one is a general evaluation of the Enabling technologies: characteristics, potential for the agro-industrial system.

The third part is a presentation of research and studies carried out from the researchers involved in the course.

The course will be held the following dates:

1) The first session will be held the 2th of March (from 13.30 to 16.30).

2) The provisional (to be confirmed) other dates are:  9th of March (from 13.30 to 17.30), 16th of March (from 13.30 to 17.30), 23th of March (from 13.30 to 17.30).

Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.

The mode of delivery of lessons (in person or remotely) will be communicated based on the indications of the University and the evolution of the pandemic situation.

For details visit the ARIEL link icona-del-lucchetto_318-42569


Sustainability concepts in food technology – methodological approaches and case studies

Coordinator: Prof. Vera Lavelli (

The food industry is of primary importance to several national economies around the world, thus being urged to address the impelling need for a sustainable production system. The course aims to illustrate sustainability issues in food technology with a holistic approach, focusing on three complementary strategies towards sustainability: emerging food technologies, new packaging systems and tools to assess consumer attitude towards sustainable innovation. These themes will be covered by frontal lessons and a sensory & consumer science lab session, based on the case studies derived from the research projects conducted by the lecturers over the last few years. The ultimate goal is to support the PhD students that aspire to advance knowledge and applications in the perspective of sustainable food processing.

Participation to 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (4 CFU). Lessons will take place online, through the Microsoft Team platform. Lab session will take place at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences. via L. Mangiagalli 25, Milan IV floor (meeting point) and in the nearby laboratories of Sensory & Consumer Science and Food Technology.

Interested students are kindly invited to register by sending a mail to


The methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the food chain

Coordinator: Prof. Riccardo Guidetti (

The course introduces PhD students in some calculation approaches related to the environmental sustainability of the agri-food sector. The course will take 20 h (= 4 ECTS) and will be divided in 3 parts.

The first part is an introduction to sustainability and the engineering parameters for energy and water assessment used in agro-food industries.

The second one is the evaluation of the method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) providing methodological tools inspired to the ISO 14040 (Principles and framework) and ISO 14044 (Requirements and guidelines)

The third part is based on the analysis of some software for LCA evaluation and some application cases taken from the experience of researchers involved in the course.

The course will be held in the following dates (the lesson will be on MS Teams Platform):

1) The first session will be held the 25th of November (MS Teams, from 13.30 to 18.30).

2) The provisional (to be confirmed) other dates are: 27th of November (from 13.30 to 18.30), 02th of December (from 9 to 13), 04th of December (from 9 to 13), 10th of December (13.30 to 18.30).

Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.


ABC of videocommunication in science: filming methods to learn the method

Coordinator: Prof. Matias Pasquali

The course (15 h, 3 ECTS) illustrates the potentialities of scientific method communication using video as preferential format. The course will guide the student towards the production of his own video detailing a scientific methodology/protocol.

The course is divided in 3 parts. The first session will provide the students with a theoretical framework of video communication of scientific methods and protocols. Moreover, tools available for filming and editing will be presented.

During the second session individual work of the students will be monitored via personal scheduled meetings in order to guide the planning, development and production of a video method dealing with scientific procedure in use by the PhD student.

The last session will be dedicated to the presentation of the videos by each student and to their analysis. Opportunity for publishing the methods will be also explored.

A maximum of 12 students can participate each year in order to allow all the participating students to be guided along the video production process.

Prerequisite for the participation is to know and use a method/protocol that will be the topic of the video.

The course will be held on the following dates:

1) The first session will be held the 30th of November 2020 (Teams, from 11 to 16.30).

2) The second session will be scheduled individually with each student in the period December 2020/ January 2021.

3) The third session will be held the 22rd of February 2021 (Teams from 8.30 to 13.30)

 Participation to all sessions is compulsory to receive the credits.


Environmental microbiomes: from microbial ecology to ecosystem services

Coordinator: Prof. Sara Borin (

Topic of the course are the microbial communities –the microbiomes- thriving in natural and anthropized environments. The course will firstly introduce the principles of their selection, assembly and dynamics, and the metagenomic –based approaches for their investigation. The following lessons will focus each on the microbiome of a specific environment and its exploitation. The environmental microbiomes will be indeed presented in this course in the frame of the development of environmental biotechnologies, seen as the engineering of microbial communities to obtain an ecosystem service: bioremediation, control of insect pests and pathogens transmitted by insects, plant growth promotion, cultural heritage biotechnology, sessile growth promotion and inhibition.

The course consistency is 20 hours, comprising 6 lessons given by scientists having consolidated research experience in the specific topic.

Lesson timetable will be as following:

Microbial ecology and systems microbiology: theories and methodologies Borin Sara 19-gen-2021 14:30-17:30 Microsoft Teams
Soil and water microbiome and bioremediation Sarah Zecchin 26-gen-2021 14:30-17:30 Microsoft Teams
Cultural heritage microbiology Francesca Cappitelli 02-feb-2021 14:30-17:30 Microsoft Teams
Plant microbiome and plant growth promotion Francesca Mapelli 09-feb-2021 14:00-18:00 Microsoft Teams
Insect microbiome and symbiotic control Elena Crotti 16-feb-2021 14:00-18:00 Microsoft Teams
Biofilm Federica Villa 23-feb-2021 14:30-17:30 Microsoft Teams


Prerequisite to fully understand the course is knowledge in basic microbiology. Participation to at least 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (4 ECTS).


E-sensing technologies and chemo-metrics

Coordinator: Prof. Cristina Alamprese

The course intends to provide students with knowledge about basic principles, common applications, and potential of e-sensing technologies, with particular focus on the agro-food sector. Moreover, the students will acquire a critical approach useful for the selection of the basic chemometric methods most suitable for the elaboration of their experimental data. The course is based on a learn-by-doing approach, thus alternating lectures to practical sessions.

Scientific background and basic knowledge in univariate statistics are required.

The programme and schedule of the course can be found here.

Participation to 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (5 CFU). Lectures and practices will take place online, through the Microsoft Team platform.

Interested students are kindly invited to register by sending an e-mail to


Advanced spectroscopic methods in food systems

Coordinator: Prof. Alberto Barbiroli

Period: February 2021

Duration: 15 h (3 ECTS)

The program of the course can be found here.


The intestinal microbiota: interactions with host and diet

Coordinator: Dr. Valentina Taverniti (

The aim of the course is to provide knowledge about the microbiota and its impact on host health, together with the analytical, bioinformatic and statistical methods to study its composition. The course has been designed to provide knowledge and expertise useful to approach the study of microbiota, particularly in its interaction with host physiology. The topics and case studies proposed will provide information regarding (i) the recent techniques and methods used to study the microbiotas in different body niches and how to select and apply the proper elaborations and statistics, also with a practical part (ii) the bi-directional relationship between microbiota and immune-neuroendocrine system (iii) specific case studies.

Participation to at least 75% of the lessons is compulsory to receive the credits (2 CFU). Lessons will take place in the last week of June 2021 at the Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (via Luigi Mangiagalli n. 25, Milano), room C11, ground floor of building n. 21500,  for a total of 10 h according to the following program:

Tuesday 22th 10.00-12.00: Methodologies to study microbiota and microbiome (Dr. Giorgio Gargari) 

Wednesday 23th 9.30-12.00: Microbiota, immune system and diet (Dr. Valentina Taverniti)  

Thursday 24th 9.30-12.00: Microbiota, neuroendocrine system and diet (Dr. Valentina Taverniti) 

Friday 25th 10.00-12.00: Hands-on biostatistics and NGS data analyses (Dr. Giorgio Gargari) 

Friday 25th 14.00-15.00: New perspective on taste perception: does microbiota composition play a role? (Dr. Camilla Cattaneo)