Monthly archives: May, 2017

Foods 2017 Travel Awards

The Editorial Office of Foods is pleased to announce the Foods 2017 Travel Awards for junior investigators and PhD students. These awards will help support travel for the chosen junior investigator and PhD student to present their data, in poster or oral presentations, at a scientific conference to be held between November 2017 and October 2018. The …

Seminar, 6 June 2017

6th June 2017 (14.30, Room C23,  bld. 21500, Via Celoria 2 – Milan; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science) Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology: Advanced Liposomal drug delivery nanosystems Costas Demetzos (Department of Pharmacy, Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece)

PhD student profile, Sarah Zecchin

PhD Student: Sarah Zecchin (PhD degree achieved on 4th April 2017) Tutor: Lucia Cavalca, DeFENS Dean: Francesco Bonomi Research area: Agri-Environment PhD title achieved on: 4th April 2017   Research topic Root-associated microbiota involved in element cycles in rice: implications in contaminant translocation to grain   Project Synopsis Arsenic contamination in rice is a matter …