Tag «antimicrobials»

PhD student profile, Luca Pisoni

PhD Student: Pisoni Luca (ORCID n. 0009-0004-1036-3144)   Supervisor: Paolo Cortesi, DeFENS Co-tutor: Daniela Bulgari Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Agri-Environment Research topic: Agricultural waste as a source of bioactive compounds for applications in agriculture Project Synopsis The transition to sustainable agricultural production is growing steadily in Europe and around the world. Epidemic diseases …

PhD student profile, Giulia Brioschi

PhD Student:  Giulia Brioschi (ORCID n. 0009-0005-6765-3940) Supervisor: Gigliola Borgonovo, DeFENS Co-tutor: Sabrina Dallavalle Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry Research topic Sustainable approaches to reduce degradation processes of fresh food (Ex DM118/2023) Project Synopsis The project will focus on the development and engineering of sustainable chemical processes (“green” extractive chemical approaches, …

PhD student profile, Francesca Sacchi

PhD Student:  Francesca Sacchi (ORCID n. 0000-0002-3973-0989)   Supervisor: Prof. Dimitrios Fessas, DeFENS Co-tutor: Prof. Paolo Cortesi, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry   Research topic Development of new chemical and biological strategies for the control of pathogenic microorganisms in the agri-food chain.   Project Synopsis The aims of my PhD …

PhD student profile, Giorgia Catinella

PhD Student: Giorgia Catinella   Tutor: Prof. Sabrina Dallavalle Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry PhD title achieved on: 3rd December 2021   Research topic Design and synthesis of bio-inspired new generation pesticides   Project Synopsis My PhD project is focused on the design and synthesis of natural products’ analogues. The new molecules …