Tag «calorimetry»

PhD student profile, Francesca Sacchi

PhD Student:  Francesca Sacchi (ORCID n. 0000-0002-3973-0989)   Supervisor: Prof. Dimitrios Fessas, DeFENS Co-tutor: Prof. Paolo Cortesi, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry   Research topic Development of new chemical and biological strategies for the control of pathogenic microorganisms in the agri-food chain.   Project Synopsis The aims of my PhD …

Awarded PhD student, Francesca Saitta

Francesca Saitta, PhD student of the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), was honoured with the “Poster Award” in the section of Life Science during her participation at the “13th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis – Medicta 2017” in Loano (Italy), 24-27 September 2017. The awarded poster was: Application of …

Awarded PhD student, Francesca Saitta

Francesca Saitta, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), has been awarded with the Travel Grant for students from Central & Eastern Europe and from Mediterranean area supporting her participation at the joint 5th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC5) and 14th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and …