Tag «food»

Advanced School “Sustainability and the food chain”

Lake of Como Advanced School on “Sustainability and the food chain: new actors stepping into the limelight” July 16-19, 2024 (Villa del Grumello – Como, Italy) This school aims at framing the many aspects involved in taking food “from farm to fork” by following a thoroughly sustainable path. Lectures will highlight recent findings in the …

PhD student profile, Francesca Saitta

PhD Student: Francesca Saitta   Tutor: Prof. Dimitrios Fessas – DeFENS Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry   Research topic Inter-disciplinary approaches for defining the relationships between food composition, structure and processing with metabolic function/dysfunction   Project Synopsis The pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) is a subject of continuous investigation …

Foods 2017 Travel Awards

The Editorial Office of Foods is pleased to announce the Foods 2017 Travel Awards for junior investigators and PhD students. These awards will help support travel for the chosen junior investigator and PhD student to present their data, in poster or oral presentations, at a scientific conference to be held between November 2017 and October 2018. The …

Seminar, 17 April 2018

17th April 2018 (16.30, Room “Aula di Biochimica”, Via Celoria 2 – Milan; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science) Towards integration of computational, sensory and cell-based approaches for studying taste Masha Niv (Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition, The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) …

Seminar, 29 June 2018

29th June 2018 (11.30, Room “Aula di Biochimica”, Via Celoria 2 – Milan) Recent research trends and funding sources in food and human nutrition in the US Dorothy Klimis-Zacas (Professor of Clinical Nutrition, Cooperating Graduate Faculty, School of Biomedical Sciences – Fulbright Fellow, School of Food and Agriculture – University of Maine, USA)

Advanced Courses, February 2019

In the frame of the teaching activities of the Food Systems PhD Programme the first lesson of advanced courses 2018/2019 are planned as follows:   Advanced spectroscopic methods in food systems Prof. Francesco Bonomi Period (first lesson): 11th February 2019 (10.00, “Aula Biochimica”, Building 21040)   The methodology of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in the …

Advanced Courses, July 2019

In the frame of the teaching activities of the Food Systems PhD Programme, the following advanced course is planned as follows: Food Bioactives Dr. Cristian Del Bo’, Prof. Patrizia Riso, Prof. Andrea Pinto, Prof. Stefania Iametti, Prof. Alessio Scarafoni and Dr. Jessica Capraro The course wants to provide knowledge on the multidisciplinary approach used for …