Check carefully the web pages of the PhD Office of the University (Italian language link) for the info regarding the call (2018/2019). There is also an English language link but check carefully the date of the published documents. Deadline is changed to 14th June 2018 !
Monthly archives: May, 2018
Seminar, 23 May 2018

23rd May 2018 (14.30, Room “M01”, Via Mangiagalli 31 – Milan) Multifaceted approaches in sensing of targeted analytes Gabriele Giancane (Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy)
Seminar, 17 May 2018

17th May 2018 (9.30-11.30, Room “M01”, Via Mangiagalli 31, Milan) BY-CATCH VALORIZATION IN NORTHWEST SPAIN. HELPFUL IN AFRICA? Helena Moreno (Universidad Compluetense de Madrid, Spain)
Seminar, 23 May 2018

23rd May 2018 (15.30, Room “M01”, Via Mangiagalli 31, Milan) Design and development of tailored nanoparticles and their involvement in biotechnology and agrifood Simona Bettini (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy)
Seminar, 23 May 2018

23rd May 2018 (13.30, Room “M01”, Via Mangiagalli 31 – Milan) Overlap of the physical chemistry approach in Unisalento and (bio)applications Ludovico Valli (Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Innovazione, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy)
Workshop, 19-21 September 2018

19th-21st September 2018 (Oristano, Sardinia, Italy; Agriculture Department of the University of Sassari) XXIII Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology The Food Systems PhD students should notice to Prof. E. Casiraghi the intention to take part to the Workshop before 18th May 2018. Registration to the …
Thesis Defense XXX Cycle (round 2), 11 May 2018
Thesis Defense XXX Cycle (round 2) May 11st, 2018 (9.00; Room C24, Via Celoria 2, Milano) Candidates: Parisa Abbasi Parizard Masoud Ghaani