Category «award»

Awarded PhD Student, Marta Appiani

During the 28° Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology (Catania, 18-20 September 2024), Marta Appiani, PhD student in Food Systems (tutor: Monica Laureati), has been awarded with the Siss Best Sensory PhD Contribution Award for the best thesis project among second-year candidates. Marta’s thesis project is carried out within the “ON …

Awarded PhD Student, Alessio Sergiacomo

During the 28th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science, Technology, and Biotechnology, held in Catania (September 18th-20th, 2024), Alessio Sergiacomo won the “What For?” award! His research on “Less common grains in bakery industry: product and process optimization” was recognized for its originality, innovation, and its potential to bridge …

Awarded PhD Student, Alessio Sergiacomo

During the 13th Italian Association of Cereal Science and Technology (AISTEC) Conference held in Turin on June 19-21, 2024, Alessio Sergiacomo, PhD student in Food Systems, has been awarded for the best poster entitled “Sprouted oats in bakery products: from dough rheological properties to physical characteristics of biscuits”. The “Tecnica Molitoria” award aims to support …

Awarded PhD Student, Alessio Tugnolo

Congratulations to Dr. Alessio Tugnolo that was recently awarded (Premio Michele Stanca,, during the “XX Conference AISSA” (February 16-17th 2023), by the Italian Association of the Agricultural Science Societies (AISSA), for the best Ph.D. thesis in Agricultural machinery and mechanization, with a thesis entitled: “Feasibility studies and engineering of optical simplified and stand-alone devices for agri-food applications“. …

Awarded PhD Student, Andrea Bresciani

For the second year in a row, the 6th “What For Award, Federalimentare” goes to a student of the PhD course in Food Systems! On the occasion of the 26th Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology, Andrea Bresciani’s research on “Effects of processing on pulses and related …

Awarded PhD Student, Serena Malabusini

Serena Malabusini, PhD Student in the XXXV cycle, won one of the prizes provided by IOBC (IOBC Travel Awards), available for students and young researchers (under 35), for the participation at the XV Workshop of the IOBC Global Working Group “Mass Rearing and Quality Assurance”, held in Bologna from 5 to 9 September 2022 and …

Award opportunity, deadline 25 November 2022

Eni, in the framework of the 2023 Edition of the Eni Award Prizes (Young Researcher of the Year), announces two prizes addressed to graduates born in or after the year 1990 who have defended their Doctorate Thesis at an Italian University during 2022 or 2021 on the various scientific topics promoted by the Eni Award: …

Awarded PhD student, Francesco Riva

Congratulations to Dr. Francesco Riva that was recently awarded, during the “Cortona Procarioti” meeting (June 23-25th 2022), by the Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnology (SIMBM), for “the best PhD thesis in general microbiology”. The PhD thesis is title “Antibiotic resistance spread mediated by horizontal gene transfer in the agri-food ecosystem“. Dr Francesco Riva …

Awarded PhD student, Noemi Sofia Rabitti

During the VII National SISS Conference (Matera, 27-29 April 2022), Noemi Sofia Rabitti, PhD student in Food Systems (tutor: Monica Laureati), has been awarded with the SISS Young Researchers Award 2022 by presenting a work carried out within the Mind FoodS Hub project (Lombardy Region) entitled “The role of sustainability information on consumers’ acceptance of …

Awarded PhD student, Andrea Bresciani

The oral presentation of Andrea Bresciani, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD course, entitled “Exploitation of pulses in the production of extruded snacks”, has been awarded with the “Gold Award” in recognition of his performance in 2021 Global Food Science Student Virtual Competition.

Awarded PhD student, Andrea Bresciani

Andrea, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD course (Università degli Studi di Milano), has been awarded by the Cereals & Grains Association for the significance of his research within the food system and its contribution to the FAO Sustainable Development Goals. His video (here) won  the “Viewer’s Choice” prize of the 2020 Student Research …

Awarded PhD student, Parisa Abbasi Parizard

The poster of the Food Systems PhD student, Parisa Abbasi Parizard (in the photo), entitled “Phenolics from pigmented grains have remarkable immunomodulating properties”, was awarded during the Miami 2016 Winter Symposium (January 24-27, 2016; Miami, USA).  

Awarded PhD student, Cristina Proserpio

During the “Seventh European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research” held in Dijon (France) from 11th to 14th September 2016 three European PhD students were recognized for the high scientific quality of their abstracts among the 550 presented. Cristina Proserpio, PhD student of the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), along with …

Foods 2017 Travel Awards

The Editorial Office of Foods is pleased to announce the Foods 2017 Travel Awards for junior investigators and PhD students. These awards will help support travel for the chosen junior investigator and PhD student to present their data, in poster or oral presentations, at a scientific conference to be held between November 2017 and October 2018. The …

Awarded PhD student, Francesca Saitta

Francesca Saitta, PhD student of the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), was honoured with the “Poster Award” in the section of Life Science during her participation at the “13th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis – Medicta 2017” in Loano (Italy), 24-27 September 2017. The awarded poster was: Application of …

Awarded PhD student, Ghislain Fotie

Ghislain Fotie, PhD student of the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), was awarded with a certificate of merit for the poster presented in the session “Emerging Food Technology for Shelf-life Extension” of the “8th Shelf Life International Meeting” (SLIM 2017; 1-3 November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand), entitled: Effectiveness of Cellulose Nanocrystals (CNCs) Application …

Awarded PhD student, Elena Maria Colombo

Elena Maria Colombo, PhD student of the Food Systems PhD course (Università degli Studi di Milano), received a travel award for her work “In vitro study of endophytic streptomycetes and their influence on wheat-Fusarium spp. pathosystem”, supporting the participation as young researcher to the “First International Congress of Biological Control” held in Beijing (14-16 May). …

Awarded PhD student, Camilla Cattaneo

We are all pleased and proud to announce that Camilla Cattaneo, PhD student in Food Systems University of Milan, has been selected as the Awardee of the Sensory Sciences Scholarship (15000 $) for the academic year of 2018/2019. The most prestigiuos scholarship in the Sensory Science field, is awarded annually worldwilde in honor of the memory of Prof. Rose Marie …

Awarded PhD student, Francesca Saitta

Francesca Saitta, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), has been awarded with the Travel Grant for students from Central & Eastern Europe and from Mediterranean area supporting her participation at the joint 5th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC5) and 14th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and …

Awarded PhD student, Gaetano Cardone

On the occasion of the 18th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (EYCSTW) that has been held in San Benedetto del Tronto (Italy) from 15th to 17th April, Gaetano Cardone – 1st-year PhD student in Food Systems (XXXIV cycle) – has received the first prize for the best oral presentation. Gaetano presented his work about …

Awarded PhD student, Camilla Cattaneo

Camilla Cattaneo, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD course (Università degli Studi di Milano), has been awarded with The Rick Bell Memorial Travel Scholarship to attend the 2019 Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium in Edinburg, Scotland this coming July. Camilla was selected among a very large number of excellent young sensory and consumer scientists for …

Awarded PhD student, Stefano Bernardi

Stefano Bernardi, PhD student in the Food Systems PhD programme (Università degli Studi di Milano), has been awarded the Best Oral Communication at the  XL Congresso Nazionale Società Italiana di Nutrizione Umana (SINU), 27-29th November 2019, in Genoa – Italy. At the conference Stefano has been presenting the JPI-HDHL European project MaPLE, with the speech entitled: “Effetto di una dieta …

Awarded PhD student, Camilla Cattaneo

Dr. Camilla Cattaneo, who obtained her PhD degree in Food Systems under the supervision of prof. Ella Pagliarini, has been nominated as the Laureate of Giract’s European Best PhD Thesis Flavor Research Award (a.y. 2019-2020) for her research entitled ‘New perspective on taste: exploring association among oral perception, tongue physiology and oral microbiota composition’. The selection was performed by …