Tag «fungicide»

PhD student profile, Valeria Tava

PhD Student: Valeria Tava (ORCID n. 0000-0003-4068-7559)   Supervisor: Matias Pasquali, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Agri-Environment Research topic: Mitigate the impact of threats on the production, quality, and safety of food products Project Synopsis The aim of my PhD project is to characterise fungal species which usually are pathogen in agriculture but that showed …

Journal Club, 19 February 2016

19th February 2016 (14.15, Room 211, Via Celoria) The physiological and ecological roles of urease activity in Streptococcus thermophilus Giulia Della Scala (PhD Student) 19th February 2016 (15.15, Room 211, Via Celoria) Fungicides: an overview and possible developments Marco Zuccolo (PhD Student)

PhD student profile, Marco Zuccolo

PhD Student: Marco Zuccolo Tutor: Prof. Sabrina Dallavalle – DeFENS Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi Research area: Chemistry and Biochemistry PhD title achieved on: 18th December 2018   Research topic Design and synthesis of target-oriented new generation pesticides   Project Synopsis My PhD research project is focused on the design and synthesis of hybrid fungicides with …

Seminar, 11 September 2018

11th September 2018 (10.30, Room “Aula di Biochimica”, Building 21040, Via Celoria 2 – Milan) Enhancement of antifungal activity of essential oils for food contact materials made from plants Narumol Matan (School of Agricultural Technology, University of Walailak, Thailand)