Advanced School “Sustainability and the food chain”

Lake of Como Advanced School on “Sustainability and the food chain: new actors stepping into the limelight”

July 16-19, 2024 (Villa del Grumello – Como, Italy)

This school aims at framing the many aspects involved in taking food “from farm to fork” by following a thoroughly sustainable path. Lectures will highlight recent findings in the relationships among production of animal or plant food materials and their subsequent processing in terms of overall sustainability. The school aims at covering a range of issues: from the wise use of existing resources to the use of new resources, from consumer acceptance and information to socio-economic impact, as well as “circular economy” aspects, such as new uses for food byproducts.

For details see the website and/or the leaflet: Adobe_PDF_file_icon_32x32


For further information please contact Prof. Stefania Iametti


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