20th July 2015 (11.00, Biochemistry Hall; Via Celoria 2 – Milan; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science) Mycotoxin contamination on harvested commodities and innovative strategies for their detection and control Dr. Simona Marianna Sanzani DiSSPA Università degli Studi Aldo Moro Bari
Tag «food safety»
PhD student profile, Masoud Ghaani

PhD Student: Masoud Ghaani Tutor: Stefano Farris, DeFENS, Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences—Packaging Laboratory (PackLAB) Dean: Francesco Bonomi Research area: Food Science and Nutrition PhD title achieved on: 11st May 2018 Research topic Electrochemical nanosensors as analytical tools in the food chain Project Synopsis This PhD thesis research project aims …
PhD student profile, Mattia Quattrini

PhD Student: Mattia Quattrini Tutor: Prof. Maria Grazia Fortina Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi Research area: Food Science and Nutrition PhD title achieved on: 18th December 2018 Research topic Development of new systems of bio-preservation for the safety and shelf-life of food Project Synopsis The aim of the PhD project is the creation of …
PhD student profile, Elisa Garuglieri

PhD Student: Elisa Garuglieri Tutor: Prof. Francesca Cappitelli, DeFens Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi Research area: Agri-Environment PhD title achieved on: 4th April 2017 Research topic antibiofilm agents Project Synopsis My PhD project explores the response of the gut interactive ecosystem to sub-lethal concentrations of food-related silver nanoparticles (AgNPs). The main aim is to …
PhD student profile, Elena Maria Colombo

PhD Student: Elena Maria Colombo Tutor: Prof. Matias Pasquali-DeFENS Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini Research area: Agri-Environment Research topic Pathogen informed strategies for sustainable disease management of toxigenic fungi. Project Synopsis The goal of the research project is to study a historical collection of Streptomyces spp. strains in order to identify activities or molecules able to …