PhD Student: Marta Sindaco (ORCID n. 0009-0006-1518-2195) Supervisor: Dr. Paolo D’Incecco, DeFENS Co-tutor: Prof.ssa Luisa Pellegrino, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Food Science and Nutrition Research topic Improving technological, nutritional, and environmental sustainability of dairy products within a “from farm to fork” strategy. Project Synopsis The dairy sector plays an …
Tag «shelf-life»
PhD student profile, Vittorio Bassi
PhD Student: Vittorio Bassi (0009-0002-5248-2075) Supervisor: Prof. Sara Limbo, DeFENS Co-tutor: Dr. Osvaldo Bosetti (Goglio S.p.A.) Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Food Science and Nutrition Research topic Sustainability in food chain: integrated approaches to reduce food loss and food waste. Project Synopsis The global food and beverage market is highly competitive, demanding innovative …
PhD student profile, Ghislain Fotie
PhD Student: Ghislain Fotie Tutor: Prof. Luciano Piergiovanni Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi, DeFENS Research area: Food Science and Nutrition & Chemistry and Biochemistry Research topic Cellulose nanoparticles (nanocrystals and nanofibrils) in food systems: novel food packaging materials; bioactive functionalized components; releasing systems; bioprocesses for by-products valorization; biorefinery high value added products Project Synopsis …
Thesis Defense XXXI Cycle (round 1), 18 December 2018
Thesis Defense XXXI Cycle (round 1) of the Food Systems PhD Programme December 18th, 2018 (Room 6, Via Celoria 10, Milano – area ex “Facoltà di veterinaria”) Day Program: 10.30 Welcome notes 11.00 DELLA SCALA GIULIA Streptococcus thermophilus urease activity: physiological role and technological relevance in dairy and …