Tag «dairy»

PhD student profile, Paola Biscotti

PhD Student: Paola Biscotti (ORCID n. 0000-0002-1784-5363)   Supervisor: Dott. Daniela Martini, DeFENS Co-tutor: Prof. Patrizia Riso, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Food Science and Nutrition   Research topic Promotion of healthy and sustainable diets – Valorization of milk and milk products in healthy and sustainable food models (VALILAT)   Project Synopsis Current food …

Seminar, 27 September 2017

27th September 2017 (15.00, Room Aula Maggiore, Via Celoria 2 – Milan; Faculty of Agricultural and Food Science) Microscopic view of dairy products Lydia Ong (ARC Dairy Innovation Hub, Bio21 Institute, The University of Melbourne, Australia)

PhD student profile, Lorenzo Strani

PhD Student: Lorenzo Strani   Tutor: Ernestina Casiraghi, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini Research area: Food Science and Nutrition   Research topic Sensing technologies for characterization and authentication of food products   Project Synopsis The project wants to answer the dairy industry needs for an improvement of processes and methods. Thus, the main purpose is to …

Journal Club, 2 February 2018

Friday, Feb 2, Classroom # 304 (Settore Didattico, Via Celoria 20) 14.30     Luce Mattio Polyphenols: chemistry, metabolites and structure-activity relationships 15.15     Francesca Gallotti Application of Pleurotus ostreatus in the design of sustainable functional foods 16.00     Lorenzo Strani Sensing techniques in dairy industry: a PAT approach

Event on Dairy Research, 19-20 April 2018

An event dedicated to young scientists involved in research in the dairy sector. The third edition of the conference “Universo Latte: Giovani Ricercatori e Imprese a confronto” will be held in PIacenza. 19-20 April 2018, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Residenza Gasparini – Sala Convegni, Via Dell’Anselma, 9 – Piacenza, Italy The deadline for abstract submission …