Chromatographic separation
Hexavalent chromium determination
Marta Sindaco’s WP1 activity
Simplified optical system for grape quality evaluation
Beatrice Pellegrini project scheme
Sensorial test laboratory
Luca Pisoni’s project flowchart
Simplified optical system for grape quality evaluation
Isolation on lead acetate
Coupling reaction at -60°C
Filtration of groundwater
Liposome extrusion equipment
Bioaugmentation through groundwater mixing
Appiani’s project timeline
Marta Sindaco’s project work packages
Alice Melzi project scheme
P. aeruginosa ATCC 10145 exposed to chlorhexidine
Parassitoid observation using Dino Lite
Infection assay on Galleria mellonella
PGPB colonising plant roots
Quality evaluation using NIR spectroscopy
Birefringence of cellulose nanocrystals
Irene Locatelli project outline
Heterogeneity in S. thermophilus DSM20617
Amplification of Stx genes
Rhodosporidium azoricum in Petri dish
Corncob agro-waste before (up) and after (down) sieving process
Bacterial isolation from D. melanogaster
NIR spectrum acquisition of a cheese
Lipid production process by red yeasts
Germination pocuhes experiment
Selection of urease-negative mutants in dairy S. thermophilus
Texture analyzer- Back extrusion test
Influence of PGPB on plants. Bacterised (A) vs. unbacterised (B)
Thermal image of a cheese
Multidisciplinary nature of Loffredi’s project
Sclerodermus brevicornis on Psacothea hilaris hilaris
Selection of urease-negative mutants in dairy S. thermophilus
Appiani’s summary project
Fluorometric visualization of labeled enzymes
Coffee characterization using NIR spectroscopy
Infection of banana fruit
Enzyme hydrolysis of cellulose
Pipetting for Flow Cytometry
Germination pouches experiment
Irene Locatelli project scheme
Cellulose extracted from garlic agro-waste
Workpackages of Loffredi’s project
Red-wine stabilization trials
Outline of Bearzi’s project
Luca Pisoni’s project outline
Isolation of S. thermophilus strain
Evidence of membrane damage by promysalin
Sparkling winemaking enhancement
Influence of Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria (PGPB) on plants
Olive ripening evaluation
Fig’s optical acquisitions
Rheometer – Rotational tests