PhD student profile, Eros Neri

PhD Student:  Eros Neri


Tutor: Prof. Diego Mora, DeFENS

Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi

Research area: Food Science and Technology

PhD title achieved on: 21st December 2017


Research topic

Genetic improvement of technological properties in food-related microorganisms through the controlled manipulation of complex microbial/viral ecosystems


Project Synopsis

My project is based on the study of the microbial positive interactions which are a key factors for Gorgonzola cheese production. To this aim Gorgonzola production process will monitored and samples subjected to microbiological and chemical analysis. The importance of the data that will come out from the samplings are not only linked to the better characterization of this cheese microbiota, but also to provide a new method for Penicillium roqueforti quantification and new technological aimed to standardize the quality of Gorgonzola cheese in the absolute respect of the severe disciplinary of the PDO denomination of this cheese.


Project keywords

food technology, microbiome, qPCR



Università degli Studi di Milano, Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Via Luigi Mangiagalli, 25, 20133, Milano, Italy

E-mail addresses:,

Personal Ph. Number:



Dr. Fabio Dal Bello, Dr. Andrea Bernacchi – “Sacco S.R.L.”, Via Alessandro Manzoni, 29, 22071, Cadorago (CO), Italy



Fellowship sponsor: Università degli Studi di Milano

Project sponsor: Sacco S.R.L., Via Alessandro Manzoni, 29, 22071 Cadorago (CO), Italy




E. Neri – “BMMIB – Behind Microbe-Microbe Interactions in Blue Cheeses”, Poster presentation for the “XXI Workshop of the Italian Ph.D. Research in Food Science, Technology and Biotechnology”. Portici (NA), Italy, September 14-16 2016.

E. Neri – “Monitoring of Penicillium roqueforti development during Gorgonzola cheese ripening”, Poster presentation for “Food Micro 2016” International Congress. Dublin, Ireland, July 19-22 2016.


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