PhD Student: Ylenia Zanchetta (ORCID n. 0000-0002-0551-0101)
Supervisor: Prof. Diego Mora, DEFENS
Co-tutor: Prof. Stefania Arioli
Tutor aziendale: Dott. Stefano Colombo
Dean: Prof. Diego Mora
Research area: Food Science and Nutrition
Research topic
Probiotics and Food associated microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, impact on host health
Project Synopsis
The role of the human microbiota and microorganisms associated with food on the health of individuals is supported by an increasingly large number of scientific evidence. Recently, some studies have highlighted how microorganisms of the human microbiota or associated with food, thanks to specific metabolic activities, can interfere with the physiology of the host contributing to the maintenance of the state of health or accentuating the negative aspects of some pathologies or interfering with the nutritional state of the host. Project purpose is to figure out a new way to produce probiotics by improving the molecular mechanisms knows to interfere with the host physiology. The project will be focused on the set-up of S. thermophilus production processes able to modulate metabolic pathways and/or specific enzyme biosynthesis known to interfere with gut microbiota and or host physiology and health.
Project keywords
Food microbiology, gut health, gut microbiome, Streptococcus thermophilus
University of Milan, Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS), Via Mangiagalli 25, 20133 Milan, Italy
Fellowship sponsor: Università degli Studi di Milano, Beingpharma S.r.l.
Project sponsor: Beingpharma S.r.l.