The main topics of the PhD Programme in Food Systems are listed below grouped according to the curricula of the PhD programme. Associated PhD Students and names of proponents are indicated.
This list has the purpose to frame most of the research activities in the PhD Programme of Food Systems. However, this list does not replace any official and formal information, which should be retrieved from the University web site.
Food Science and Nutrition
Food Science and Nutrition
Development of an healthy and green multifunctional cooking appliance (Ernestina Casiraghi). PhD Student: Giuliana Aliberti.
Innovative technological and microbial approaches for the sustainable development of the alcoholic beverage industry (Fracassetti Daniela, Vigentini Ileana, De Noni Ivano, Foschino Roberto Carmine, Iriti Marcello, Tirelli Antonio Giovanni). PhD Students: Alessio Altomare, Marta Baviera, Simona Pizzi, Gvantsa Shanshiashvili
Exploring the relationships between sensory perception, food preferences and nutritional status (Pagliarini Antonella, Laureati Monica). PhD Student: Marta Appiani
Design of soft-solid products for sustainable special diets: rheological, tribological and nutritional evaluations (Laura Piazza, Stefano Farris). PhD Student: Innocenzo Giorgio Ascrizzi
Sustainability in food chain: integrated approaches to reduce food loss and food waste (Limbo Sara, Pellegrino Luisa Maria, Fracassetti Daniela). PhD Student: Vittorio Bassi, Federica De Agostini, Valeria Frigerio
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of multi-phase foods as delivery systems for bioactive compounds (Alamprese Cristina, Manuela Rollini). PhD Student: Giulia Bearzi, Eleonora Loffredi
Active and intelligent coating systems for sustainable food packaging materials (Farris Stefano, Dallavalle Sabrina). PhD Student: Tommaso Bellesia
Promotion of healthy and sustainable diets (Daniela Martini, Cristian Del Bo’, Patrizia Riso). PhD Students: Paola Biscotti, Lara Naim Chehade, Beatrice Pellegrini
Role of macromolecules in defining the nutritional and technological properties of cereals, pseudocereals and pulses (Marti Alessandra, Casiraghi Maria Cristina, Fessas Dimitrios, Hidalgo Vidal Alyssa Mariel, Iametti Stefania). PhD Student: Andrea Bresciani
Molecular biology, genetics and (meta)genomics for the optimized use of probiotic microorganisms of industrial interest (Guglielmetti Simone). PhD Student: Laura Brunelli
Product and process optimization for the production of foods from cereals, pseudocereals and legumes (Marti Alessandra). PhD Students: Gaetano Cardone, Thomas Croci, Alessio Sergiacomo
Role of macromolecules in designing and optimizing processess for biofunctional-enriched foods (Marti Alessandra, Hidalgo Vidal Alyssa Mariel, Iametti Stefania, Barbiroli Alberto Giuseppe, Fessas Dimitrios). PhD Students: Giulia Chiodaroli, Lorenzo Estivi
The role of the intestinal microbiota in mediating the effect of diet on human health (Guglielmetti Simone Domenico, Riso Patrizia). PhD Student: Robin Duncan
Improving technological, nutritional and environmental sustainability of dairy products within a “from farm to fork” strategy (Luisa Pellegrino, Paolo D’Incecco). PhD Student: Stefano Gerna, Marta Sindaco
Green and fast e-sensing methodologies for Process Analytical Technology and food quality assessment and authentication (Silvia Grassi, Susanna Buratti, Casiraghi Ernestina, Alamprese Cristina). PhD Student: Irene Locatelli
Probiotics and food associated microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, impact on host health (Arioli Stefania, Mora Diego, Guglielmetti Simone Domenico). PhD Students: Anđela Martinović, Diletta Francesca Squarzanti, Ylenia Zanchetta
Smart Green Devices for agrifood products (Guidetti Riccardo, Limbo Sara). PhD Student: Alessia Pampuri, Sara Vignati
Sensory and consumer science for the development of new, healthy and sustainable foods (Pagliarini Antonella, Laureati Monica). PhD Student: Noemi Sofia Rabitti
Bioavailability and biological activity of dietary compounds/patterns and their role on human health (Casiraghi Maria Cristina, Del Bo’ Cristian, Erba Daniela, Riso Patrizia, Simonetti Paolo). PhD Students: Massimiliano Tucci, Valentina Vinelli
Foods as reservoir of novel starter, probiotic and human commensal microorganisms: ecology, molecular and functional characterization, and impact on host health (Arioli Stefania, Guglielmetti Simone Domenico, Mora Diego)
Study of the in vitro bioactivity of components released during gastrointestinal digestion of foods derived from milk and cereals (De Noni Ivano, Cattaneo Stefano)
Logistics in food industry: new methodological approaches to assess sustainability (Guidetti Riccardo)
Advanced statistical approaches in food science (Hidalgo Vidal Alyssa Mariel, Guidetti Riccardo, Casiraghi Ernestina)
Circular re-use of bioresources: technological approaches to develop new foods (Lavelli Vera Agnese, Pellegrino Luisa Maria)
Safety of Food and Beverages: mitigation strategies to prevent consumer exposure to contaminants in the food chain (Limbo Sara, Cattaneo Stefano)
Plastics and bioplastics for food contact applications: safety, performances and analytical tools to guarantee food quality and environment protection fostering new consumer behaviour models (Limbo Sara, Pellegrino Luisa Maria, Stranieri Stefanella, Cavalca Lucia, Guidetti Riccardo)
Consumer behavior in relation to sustainability standards and organizational effects on the agro-food supply chain (Stranieri Stefanella, Baldi Lucia)
Economics of sustainability standards: supply chain and consumer analysis (Stranieri Stefanella, Baldi Lucia)
Environmental microbiomes: characterization and biotechnological exploitation (Elena Crotti, Francesca Mapelli). PhD Student: Sara Basiglio
Development of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) models to support decision-making processes and evaluation of opportunities to optimize production, promote the circular economy and reduce resource waste in agri-food and food packaging supply chains (Riccardo Guidetti). PhD Student: Andrea Casson
Mitigate the impact of threats on the production, quality, and safety of food products (Matias Pasquali, Paolo Cortesi, Antonio Ferrante, Marco Saracchi). PhD Students: Luca Degradi, Valerio Mattei, Valeria Tava
Plant genetic improvement for resistance to bacterial infections (Andrea Kunova). PhD Student: Angelo Gaiti
Agricultural waste as a source of bioactive compounds for applications in agriculture (Andrea Kunova, Paolo Cortesi). PhD Student: Sharmila Ghosh, Luca Pisoni
The honey production chain, a network of interactions: suitability of the territory, beekeeping issues and honey quality (Daniela Lupi, Sara Savoldelli). PhD Student: Erica Holzer
Insect sustainable management in agroecosystem: from pests to pollinators (Lupi Daniela, Jucker Costanza). PhD Student: Serena Malabusini
Contribution of environmental, food and gut microorganisms to heavy metal recovery and sequestration (Lucia Cavalca, Stefania Arioli). PhD Student: Alice Melzi
“Environmental probiotics”: exploitation of the beneficial interaction among microorganisms and the environment or the plant (Borin Sara, Crotti Elena Sara, Mapelli Francesca, Cappitelli Francesca). PhD Students: Joa Patania; Elisa Ghitti.
Environmental microbiology (Lucia Cavalca). PhD Student: Camilla Valli
Sustainable management of invasive arthropods of particular interest for fruit production (Lupi Daniela, Jucker Costanza). PhD Student: Matteo Zugno
Interplay between viruses and biofilm in the food and environmental fields (Cappitelli Francesca, Picozzi Claudia)
The rice agri-food system: from field to table (Cavalca Lucia, Cortesi Paolo, Marti Alessandra)
By-products as a resource for the extraction of bioactives for pest control and bioconversion into protein mediated by insects (Jucker Costanza, Lupi Daniela, Scaglia Barbara)
Valorization of by-products through insects for a sustainable protein production (Lupi Daniela, Jucker Costanza)
Molecular detection of pathogens and plant diseases management (Pasquali Matias, Cortesi Paolo)
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Molecular determinant of structural behavior of food-related macromolecules (Stefania Iametti, Alberto Barbiroli, Mattia Di Nunzio). PhD Students: Sara Margherita Borgonovi, Davide Emide, Anna Ramona Speranza
Sustainable approaches to reduce degradation processes of fresh food (Gigliola Borgonovo, Sabrina Dallavalle). PhD Student: Giulia Brioschi, Emanuele Lovatti
Biotechnological processes for the transformation of agri-food residues into added-value molecules (Molinari Francesco Enzo). PhD Student: Pietro Cannazza
Development of new chemical and biological strategies for the control of pathogenic microorganisms in the agri-food chain (Dallavalle Sabrina, Fessas Dimitrios, Arioli Stefania, Cortesi Paolo, Pasquali Matias, Picozzi Claudia). PhD Students: Giorgia Catinella, Denise Dozio, Matteo Gennaro, Luce Micaela Mattio, Francesca Sacchi, Marco Zuccolo
Green chemical and biotechnological processes for the development of added-value products from agrifood biomasses and by-products (Molinari Francesco Enzo, Rollini Manuela Silvia, Dallavalle Sabrina, Lavelli Vera Agnese, Scaglia Barbara, Compagno Concetta Maria). PhD Student: Silvia Donzella
Structural and physiological relevance of the interaction between food proteins and nanostructures (Barbiroli Alberto Giuseppe, Iametti Stefania, Bonomi Francesco, Fessas Dimitrios)
Green chemical and biotechnological processes for the development of food ingredients from agrifood biomasses and by-products (Molinari Francesco Enzo, Rollini Manuela Silvia, Compagno Concetta Maria)
Production of high added value by food industry waste for biorefinery development (Scaglia Barbara)