PhD student profile, Giuliana Aliberti

PhD Student: Giuliana Aliberti (ORCID n. 0000-0003-4844-3524)


Supervisor: Prof. Ernestina Casiraghi


Dean: Prof. Diego Mora

Research area: Food Science and Nutrition


Research topic

Development of an healthy and green multifunctional cooking appliance


Project Synopsis

Consumers are increasingly aware of the connection between the food they eat and the consequences for their health and the environment. They are more and more removing from their diet foods with high cooking temperatures (e.g. by frying, roasting or grilling), which have a positive effect on palatability but are potentially harmful to human health. The aim of this project is to develop a multifunctional cooking device that embeds different cooking methods, used together or separately, to optimize target food preparation. The sustainability of the multifunctional appliance is given by the minimization of energy consumption, the possibility to perform different types of cooking at the same time and the consequent combination of many specialized appliances into one. The performance of the multifunctional appliance will be tested evaluating target foods modification and characteristics attributes using new instrumental-sensorial (e-sensing technology) and nutritional (chemical-physical analysis) approaches.


Project keywords

Cooking systems, healthy, green, food quality



Department of Food Environmental and Nutritional Sciences (DeFENS)

University of Milan

Via Mangiagalli, 25 – 20133 Milan



Fellowship sponsor: Programma Operativo Nazionale “Ricerca e Innovazione” 2014-2020 – Action IV.5 “Doctorates on green topics” (PON); Whirlpool EMEA S.p.A.

Project sponsor: Whirlpool EMEA S.p.A.






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