PhD Student: Alessia Pampuri (ORCID n. 0000-0001-8326-4826)
Supervisor: Prof. Roberto Beghi (DiSAA)
Dean: Prof. Diego Mora
Research area: Food Science and Nutrition
Research topic
Smart Green Devices for agrifood products
Project Synopsis
In the current panorama of the agri-food sector there is a constant search for non-destructive, sustainable and rapid methods of analysis to obtain a finished product of the highest quality.
The main part of the project consists in the development of an innovative and green solution and in its application to optimize food productions. Among the non-destructive techniques, the use of a hyperspectral prototype represents a possible solution to generate new data flows with the aim to optimize the management of the products. It is a theme centered on the basic principles of 4.0 industry and related enabling technologies such as IoT, cloud computing and big data management.
This type of non-destructive technology, like others available on the market, requires expensive instruments and highly skilled personnel to get reliable results. The goal of the project is the construction of a cost-effective prototype and its application for post-harvest controls.
Project keywords
Industry 4.0, non-destructive techniques, sensors, food quality.
Address: Via Celoria, 2, 20133 – Milano (MI)
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences – Production, Landscape, Agroenergy
Office phone: 02503 16874
Prof. Riccardo Guidetti
Address: Via Celoria, 2, 20133 – Milano (MI)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Milano
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -Production, Landscape, Agroenergy (DiSAA)
Valentina Giovenzana
Address: Via Celoria, 2, 20133 – Milano (MI)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Milano
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -Production, Landscape, Agroenergy (DiSAA)
Alessio Tugnolo
Address: Via Celoria, 2, 20133 – Milano (MI)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Milano
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -Production, Landscape, Agroenergy (DiSAA)
Andrea Casson
Address: Via Celoria, 2, 20133 – Milano (MI)
Institution: Università degli Studi di Milano
Affiliation: Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences -Production, Landscape, Agroenergy (DiSAA)
Fellowship sponsor: Università degli Studi di Milano
Publications with impact factor:
Pampuri, A. Casson, C. Alamprese, C. D. Di Mattia, A. Piscopo, G. Difonzo, P. Conte, M. Paciulli, A. Tugnolo, R. Beghi, E. Casiraghi, R. Guidetti & V. Giovenzana (2021). Environmental Impact of Food Preparations Enriched with Phenolic Extracts from Olive Oil Mill Waste. Foods, 10(5), 980. DOI:
Giovenzana, V., Casson, A., Beghi, R., Pampuri, A., Fiorindo, I., Tugnolo, A., & Guidetti, R. (2021). Evaluation of consumer domestic habits on the environmental impact of ready-to-eat and minimally processed fresh-cut lamb’s lettuce. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 28, 925-935. DOI:
Casson, A., Giovenzana, V., Tugnolo, A., Pampuri, A., Fiorindo, I., Beghi, R., & Guidetti, R. (2021). Assessment of an expanded-polypropylene isothermal box to improve logistic sustainability of catering services. Journal of Agricultural Engineering, 52(2). DOI:
Pampuri, A., Tugnolo, A., Giovenzana, V., Casson, A., Guidetti, R., & Beghi, R. (2021). Design of cost-effective LED based prototypes for the evaluation of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) ripeness. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 189, 106381. DOI:
Publications without impact factor:
Pampuri, A. Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, A. Casson, R. Guidetti, R. Beghi (2020). Sistemi innovativi per la misura dello stato idrico della vite. pp.11-13. In IL CORRIERE VINICOLO – ISSN:1827-5419 vol. 93 (24).
Tugnolo, R. Beghi, V. Giovenzana, A. Pampuri, A. Casson, R. Guidetti (2020). SENSORISTICA INNOVATIVA: il progetto internazionale i-GRAPE pp.12-13. In IL CORRIERE VINICOLO – ISSN:1827-5419 vol. 93 (26).
Communications to congress:
Pampuri A. (2021). Smart-HAND: a simplified LED device for intact olives quality evaluation. NIR2021 International Conference online. (Poster)
Tugnolo, V. Giovenzana, R. Beghi, A. Casson, A. Pampuri, R. Guidetti (2021). Stand-alone LED sensors for future field monitoring of grape (Vitis vinifera L.) ripeness. In NIRItalia online 2021. (Oral)
Tugnolo, A. Pampuri, D. Bianchi, V. Giovenzana, R. Beghi, A. Casson, L. Brancadoro, R. Guidetti (2021) Valutazione dello stato idrico della vite mediante tecniche ottiche speditive: risultati preliminari in condizioni controllate. Enoforum virtual 2021. (Oral)