PhD Student: Camilla Valli (ORCID n. 0000-0001-5796-5768)
Supervisor: Prof. Lucia Cavalca, DeFENS
Co-tutor: Eng. Maurizio Agosta, Nuova Alba S.r.l.
Dean: Prof. Diego Mora
Research area: Agri-Environment
Research topic: Environmental microbiology
Project Synopsis
Groundwater, which represents approximately 99% of all liquid freshwater on Earth, is heavily affected by chloroethene (CE) contamination. The purpose of the project is to study microbial CE reductive dehalogenation and mineralization to increase bioremediation efficacies in order to return clean water to the environment. The case-study is placed at an aquifer site where sequential anaerobic–aerobic permeable reactive biobarries are currently running. In order to achieve the research goals, chemical analyses (GC-MS and GC-FID) will be set up for determining CE biodegradation in different tested conditions and molecular microbial ecology tools will be applied in order to assess the impact of bioremediation interventions on functional biodiversity of aquifer microbiomes.
Project keywords
bioremediation, microbial ecology, environmental microbiology, chloroethenes
Agricultural and Environmental Microbiology laboratory (AgEM-Lab)
DEFENS- Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences
Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Mangiagalli, 25, Milano (MI), 20133
Prof. Giovanni Pietro Beretta
Prof. Marco Masetti
Prof. Daniele Pedretti
Institution: Università degli studi di Milano (UNIMI)
Affiliations: Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra Ardito Desio
Eng. Laura Ferrari
Eng. Giacinto Carnevale
Eng. Fabio De Palma
Institution: Tauw Italia
Eng. Maurizio Agosta
Institution: Nuova Alba S.r.l.
Eng. Andrea Del Frate
Eng. Leandro Moretti
Institution: Edison S.p.a.
Fellowship sponsor: Nuova Alba S.r.l., Università degli Studi di Milano
Project sponsor: Nuova Alba S.r.l., Edison S.p.a., Tauw-Italia