Tag «horizontal gene transfer»

PhD student profile, Francesco Riva

Francesco Riva (cycle 34)

PhD Student: Francesco Riva   Tutor: Elena Sara Crotti – Defens Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini Research area: Agri-Environment PhD title achieved on: 2nd March 2022   Research topic Tracking of bacteria and genes of relevance for the agri-food system   Project Synopsis The aim of my PhD project is to describe the dimension of antibiotic resistance …

PhD student profile, Stefano Colombo

Stefano Colombo (cycle 30)

PhD Student: Stefano Colombo Tutor: Prof. Diego Mora – Defens Dean: Prof. Francesco Bonomi Research area: Agri-Environment PhD title achieved on: 4th April 2017   Research topic Role of viruses in the spreading of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in food related environment   Project Synopsis My PhD project aims to evaluate the presence and the role …