Tag «pest»

PhD student profile, Matteo Zugno

Matteo Zugno (cycle 39)

PhD Student:  Matteo Zugno (ORCID n. 0000-0003-1375-527X)   Supervisor: Prof. Daniela Lupi, DeFENS Co-tutor: Prof. Costanza Jucker, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Agri-Environment   Research topic Sustainable management of invasive arthropods of particular interest for fruit production   Project Synopsis Climate change and globalization are exacerbating the emergence and spread of invasive insects …

PhD student profile, Valeria Tava

Valeria Tava (cycle 36)

PhD Student: Valeria Tava (ORCID n. 0000-0003-4068-7559)   Supervisor: Matias Pasquali, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Agri-Environment Research topic: Mitigate the impact of threats on the production, quality, and safety of food products Project Synopsis The aim of my PhD project is to characterise fungal species which usually are pathogen in agriculture but that showed …

PhD student profile, Serena Malabusini

Serena Malabusini (cycle 35)

PhD Student: Serena Malabusini (ORCID n. 0000-0001-5354-8860) Tutor: Prof. Daniela Lupi, DeFENS Co-tutor: Costanza Jucker, DeFENS Dean: Prof. Diego Mora Research area: Agri-Environment PhD title achieved on: 17th March 2023 Research topic: Insect management in agroecosystem: from pests to pollinators. Project Synopsis The goal of the research project is to deepen the knowledge on the behavioural traits of …

Former PhD students grow! Xiaoyulong Chen

Photo of Chen

Dr. Xiaoyulong Chen attended the PhD programme (2012-2015; 28th cycle; tutor: Prof. Cortesi, DeFENS) of “Chemistry, Biochemistry and Ecology of Pesticides”, one of the PhD programmes that took part to the 2013 foundation of the PhD programme of Food Systems (see “Short story of the PhD Programme of Food Systems” under “General Info“). He is …