Here are the videoclips of presentations of research projects proposed by students of the XXXVII cycle carried out on February 23rd 2022.
Andrea Casson
Development of LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) calculation models to support decision-making processes and the assessment of opportunities for the optimization of production, the promotion of the circular economy and the reduction of waste of resources in the agri-food supply chains and in the food packaging chains.
Federica De Agostini
Mitigation of the environmental impact through sustainable packaging solutions and optimization of the shelf life: the case of coffee.
Stefano Gerna
Integrated green strategies for the management, recovery and recycling of waste in a dairy farm
Sara Margherita Borgonovi
Molecular determinant of structural behavior of food-related macromolecules
Tommaso Bellesia
ECO-sustainable PACKaging MATerials for the food industry (ECOPACKMAT)
Eleonora Loffredi
Multidisciplinary approaches to the study of multi-phase foods as delivery systems for bioactive compounds
Paola Biscotti
Enhancement of milk and dairy products in healthy and sustainable food models (VALILAT)
Valentina Vinelli
Bioavailability and biological activity of dietary compounds/patterns and their role on human health
Giuliana Aliberti
Development of an Healthy and Green Multifunctional Cooking Appliance
Alessio Sergiacomo
Bioprocesses to improve the sustainability of legume and cereal-based food
Laura Brunelli
Molecular biology, genetics and (meta)genomics for the optimized use of probiotic microorganisms of industrial interest
Simona Pizzi
Innovative technological and microbial approaches for the sustainable development of the alcoholic beverage industry
Giovanni Patania
Response of plant holobiont towards bacterial invasion: a focus on plant-growth promoter and antibiotic resistant bacteria
Shanshiashvili Gvantsa
Improvement of the grape pressing phase to implement the sustainability of wine production (grape press 4.0)
Alessia Pampuri
Industry 4.0 in the agri-food sector: innovative sensors and SMART logistics to support the sustainability of the supply chain
Sara Vignati
Green sensors and smart services for the optimization of agri-food supply chains with a view to industry 4.0: greater sustainability of production, business competitiveness and reduction of food waste