PhD student profile, Camilla Cattaneo

PhD Student: Camilla Cattaneo


Tutor: Prof. Ella Pagliarini – DeFENS

Dean: Prof. Ella Pagliarini

Research area: Food Science and Nutrition


Research topic

Sensory perception, food preference and obesity: perceptive, psychological and behavioural determinants of obesity strategy to prevent overweight


Project Synopsis

The aim of this PhD project is to evaluate taste perception in relation to genetic, physiological and microbiological variables, using a multidisciplinary approach. To achieve this aim different groups of subjects will be recruited: 1) the first group consisted in subjects characterized by different taste responsiveness to the bitter compound 6-n-propylthiuracil, PROP (Supertasters vs Non-tasters); 2) the second group consisted in subjects characterized by different nutritional status (Obese vs Normal-weight); 3) the third group consisted in subjects characterized by different genetic and cultural background (Asian vs Caucasian).


Project keywords

sensory science, consumer science, nutrition



DeFENS – Department of Food, Environmental and Nutritional Sciences

Via Mangiagalli, 25 – 20133, Milano

tel: +39 0250319175






Prof. Gian Vincenzo Zuccotti & Dr. Chiara Mameli, Clinica Pediatrica, Ospedale dei Bambini V. Buzzi, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano.

Prof. Claudio Bandi, Centro di Ricerca Pediatrica Romeo ed Enrica Invernizzi, Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche e Cliniche “L. Sacco”, Milano.

Prof. Elvira Verduci, Clinica Pediatrica, Dipartimento di Scienze della Salute Ospedale San Paolo, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milano.

Prof. Wender Bredie, Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Prof. Jon Sporring, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.

Dr. Lisbet B. Knudsen and Dr. Anne C. Bech, Arla Foods, Aarhus, Denmark.


Collaborations within the Department

Prof. Simone Guglielmetti & Dr. Stefania Arioli

Prof. Patrizia Riso

Prof. Vera Lavelli




Fellowship sponsor: Università degli Studi di Milano



Institutional responsibilities

Representative of XXXII cycle students in Food Systems within the Board of the Course.

Representative of PhD students in Food Systems within the PhD Students Council (Consulta Dottorandi) of the University of Milan.

Representative within the Coordinamento Dottorale of the University of Milan.

Representative of PhD students within the Board of the Department (DeFENS) of the University of Milan.


Scientific publications

Papers with Impact Factor:

School children preferences for fish formulations: the impact of child and parental food neophobia. M. Laureati, C. Cattaneo, V. Bergamaschi, C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini. Journal of Sensory Studies, 2016, 31(5), 408-415.

Application of the Check-All-That-Apply method (CATA) to get insights on children’s drivers of liking of fibre-enriched apple purees. M. Laureati, C. Cattaneo, V. Lavelli, V. Bergamaschi, P. Riso, E. Pagliarini. Journal of Sensory Studies, 2017, 32(2).

BMI and gender related differences in cross-modal interaction and liking of sensory stimuli. C. Proserpio, M. Laureati, C. Invitti, C. Cattaneo, E. Pagliarini. Food Quality and Preference, 2017, 56, 49-54.

Exploring influences on food choice in a large population sample: The Italian Taste Project. E. Monteleone, S. Spinelli, C. Dinnella, I. Endrizzi, M. Laureati, E. Pagliarini, F. Sinesio, F. Gasperi, L. Torri, E. Aprea, L.I. Bailetti, A. Bendini, A. Braghieri, C. Cattaneo, et al. Food Quality and Preference, 2017, 59, 123-140.

Associations between food neophobia and responsiveness to “warning” chemosensory sensations in food products in a large population sample. M. Laureati, S. Spinelli, E. Monteleone, C. Dinnella, J. Prescott, C. Cattaneo, et al. Food Quality and Preference, 2018, 68: 113-124.

Exploring Drivers of Liking of Low-Phenylalanine Products in Subjects with Phenyilketonuria Using Check-All-That-Apply Method. C. Proserpio, E. Pagliarini, J. Zuvadelli, S. Paci, A. Re Dionigi, G. Banderali, C. Cattaneo, E. Verduci. Nutrients, 2018, 10(9), 1179.

Consumers’ attitudes towards novel recycling strategies of food by-products: the influence of food technology neophobia and information. C. Cattaneo, V. Lavelli, C. Proserpio, M. Laureati, E. Pagliarini. International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 2018.

Ambient odor exposure affects food intake and sensory specific appetite in obese women. C. Proserpio, C. Invitti, S. Boesveldt, L. Pasqualinotto, M. Laureati, C. Cattaneo, E. Pagliarini. Frontiers in Psychology, 2019, 10(7).


Papers under revision

New insights into the relationship between taste perception and oral microbiota composition. C. Cattaneo, G. Gargari, R. Koirala, M. Laureati, P. Riso, S. Guglielmetti, E. Pagliarini. Scientific Reports.


Oral communication:

Esiste una relazione tra sensibilità gustativa, neofobia e obesità? C. Proserpio, C. Invitti, M. Laureati, C. Cattaneo, E. Pagliarini. VI Convegno Nazionale Società Italiana di Scienze Sensoriali (SISS), Bologna, Italy, November 30th – December 2nd, 2015.



Laureati M., Cattaneo C., Proserpio C., Pagliarini E. Sensory profiling of fibre-enriched apple purees by using the Check-All-That-Apply method with school aged children. 7th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Dijon, France, September 11th – 14th, 2016.

Laureati M., Cattaneo C., Proserpio C., Pagliarini E. Do children like fish? Perceptive and behavioral factors related to children’s acceptance of fish school formulations. 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 20th-24th, 2017.

Laureati M., Pagliarini E., Cattaneo C., Monteleone E., Dinnella C., Spinelli S., Torri L., Sinesio F., Gasperi F., Prescott J. Associations between food neophobia and responsiveness to “warning” sensations in real food products in a large population sample. 12th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Providence, Rhode Island, USA, August 20th-24th, 2017.

Cattaneo C. New insights into the obesity phenomenon: perceptive, behavioural and microbiological determinants of weight gain. XXII Workshop on the Developments in the Italian PhD Research on Food Science Technology and Biotechnology. Bolzano, Italy, September, 20th-22nd, 2017.

Consumers’ attitude towards food by-products and novel technologies. C. Cattaneo, V. Lavelli, C. Proserpio, F. Gallotti, M. Laureati, E. Pagliarini. 8th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Verona, Italy, September 2nd-5th, 2018.

Shaping individuals’ eating behavior: do taste perception and oral microbiota have a role? C. Cattaneo, S. Guglielmetti, M. Laureati, E. Pagliarini. 8th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Verona, Italy, September 2nd-5th, 2018.





Awardee of the worldwide most prestigious scholarship in Food Science, Nutrition, Psychology and Physiology fields: the ‘Rose Marie Pangborn Sensory Sciences Scholarship’ (15000 $), for the high quality research on a sensory topic under the guidance of a sensory scientist.

Awardee at 8th European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research (Verona, September 2nd-5th, 2018) for the best poster: Cattaneo, C., Lavelli, V., Proserpio, C., Gallotti, F., Laureati, M., & Pagliarini, E. Consumers’ attitude towards food by-products and novel technologies (Premio Giovani Ricercatori, 500€ – founded by SISS).


Certificates and training courses:

Training course Fizz-Software solutions for sensory analysis and consumer test. What’s new? (Dr. Jean-Pierre Chautagnat) Faculty of Agriculture and Food Science, University of Milan, November, 2016.

Sensory Project Manager’s certificate provided by Italian Sensory Science Society (SISS), Florence, February, 2017.

First International Forum on Women In Olfactory Science (WIOS), SISSA, Trieste, October 5th-6th, 2017.

Postgraduate Course Sensory Perception & Food Preference: The role of context, Wageningen, The Netherlands, April 3rd-6th, 2018.


Multimedia materials:

The Centro di Servizio per le Tecnologie e la Didattica Univ. Multimediale e a Distanza (CTU) produced a videoclip about Sensory&Consumer Science Laboratory. Below the related links:



Website Admin of the Sensory&Consumer Lab site ( since November 2016.


Tutoring activities:

Anna De Falco (matricola 835943; Bachelor degree in Food Services Science and Technology). Variabilità individiale nel giudizio di gradimento e nella percezione del gusto amaro. [Interindividual differences in liking and perception of bitter taste] A.A. 2015-16 Relatore: Monica Laureati; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo

Arianna Di Marco (matricola 842788; Bachelor degree in Food Services Science and Technology). Variabilità individiale nel giudizio di gradimento e nella percezione del gusto acido. [Interindividual differences in liking and perception of sour taste] A.A. 2015-16 Relatore: Monica Laureati; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo

Daniele Bardin (matricola 852839; Bachelor degree in Food Science and Technology). La percezione gustativa per acido e salato in relazione al microbiota orale. [Sour and salty taste perception in relation to oral microbiota] A.A. 2016-17 Relatore: Ella Pagliarini; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo

Anja Bof (matricola 840148; Bachelor degree in Food Science and Technology). Valutazione delle soglie di percezione gustativa per il dolce e l’amaro in soggetti non taster e super taster [Sweet and sour taste threshold evaluation in no taster and supertaster subjects] A.A. 2016-17 Relatore: Ella Pagliarini; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo

Beatrice Frigerio (matricola 901557; Master degree in Food Science and Technology). A study on panel training: the importance to practise the sense of smell. A.A. 2017-18. Realtore: Ella Pagliarini; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo, Stefania Moreno

Jéssica Speranza Brancher (matricola 899232; Master degree in Human Nutrition and Food Science). Percezione gustativa, neofobia e preferenze alimentari in bambini obesi e normopeso. [Taste perception, food neophobia and preferences among obese and normal-weight children]. A.A 2017-18. Relatore: Ella Pagliarini; Correlatore: Camilla Cattaneo


Seminars for students:

Since A.A. 2016-2017 gave seminars about Metodi per la selezione e l’addestramento dei giudici & Errori fisiologici e psicologici [Panel selection, screening and training & Physiological and Psychological errors] for undergraduate course in Food Science and Technology.

Since A.A. 2016-2017 gave seminars about Neofobia alimentare & Focus group & Questionari Check-all-that-apply (CATA) [Food Neophobia & Focus group & Check-all-that-apply (CATA) questions] for graduate courses in Human Nutrition and Food Science and Food Science and Technology.

Since A.A. 2017-2018 gave seminars about Risultati sull’applicazione dei metodi di selezione e addestramento dei giudici [Panel selection, screening and training results] for the undergraduate courses in Food Services Science and Technology.



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